I went to the balance teacher in krokotopia and went to learn a spell and I walked up to the teacher and pushed x and it had a quest for me saying "Balancing Egg". I later found out this is a BALANCE quest and I cannot complete it because I am a FIRE. The only reason I want to know is why I am assigned it. Oh and I should also include that there is a gray explanation point near the quest. I tried to see if I could get the quest but I just click on it and the teacher says "Come to me in Krokotopia. I have a special offer for you.". I thought about reporting it but I wanted to see if any Kingsisle members would post what they thought of this.
well first balancing egg quest is for balance wizards and it just says it... well i never got it yet but i don't know why that's happening its kinda like the tutorial problem i'm having(with my tutorials doing all over again but not real ) but it is balance cause(after balance only quest for judgement spell)complete it and it's there?
I just noticed I had this quest as well and I am Death and Ice. Strange that I was able to obtain it if it cannot be completed. My exclamation point is grayed out as well. Any way to close out this quest?
This is acutally a pretty signifigant bug (I think). My death wizard just turned level 58, and after completing the spell quest, she did not get the quest for the level 58 pet. However, she can see the "balancing egg" quest (like you). "Balacing Egg" quest is the level 58 pet quest for the balance school, so until this bug is resolved, she can't get her level 58 pet.
My friend also just turned level 58, and is having the same problem.
I am only level 40 and am a Storm. I have this quest as well and have had it for some time now. I hope they fix this BUG soon if it interferes with the ability to do the pet quests as I am looking forward to finding out what pet I get for my Storm Wizard.