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Baldur still hasn't offered the spell quest

Apr 17, 2011
I've somehow missed Baldur Goldpaws giving the spell quest in Olde Towne. Mr. Lincoln has popped up recently to let me know I'm missing a spell, but I still don't get the call for the quest. I'm currently a level 58 pyromancer. As far as I know, I've completed all the quests in Grizzelheim and Dragonspyre and recently finished up Austriland over in Wintertusk. I recently got the Efreet spell, but I still don't have the Power Link spell. Some time ago, I got a message from Baldur Goldpaws in Olde Towne, but whenever I went to check it out, there was no marker over his head. I've run back through Mirkholm Keep, but nobody wants to talk to me there either. What have I missed?

Feb 25, 2009
Here are the requirements for both the lvl 35 and lvl 55 spell quests from Baldur.

Spell Quests
Every class has to complete the same spell quests to get their new spells at levels 35 and 55. Some of the new spell are upgraded spells, but don’t worry, you still get to keep your original spell! However, there are some requirements to obtain the spell quests.

Level 35 Spell Quests Requirements and Info
There are 2 requirements to meet to be able to accept the starting spell quest from Baldur Goldpaws in Olde Town, “I Know a Guy…”.
1. Being level 35
2. Having completed the quest “One in the Snout” in Mirkholm Keep

If you meet these requirements, then you can go to Baldur Goldpaws in Olde Town to get the quest “I Know a Guy…”, and then you will talk to Erik Wyrdrune in Northguard to get the quest “Thief of Spells.”

Level 55 Spell Quests Requirements and Info
There are 3 requirements to meet to be able to accept the starting spell quest from Baldur Goldpaws in Olde Town, “The Spell Trade.”
1. Being level 55
2. Having completed the quest “Su Su Sudrilund” in Sudrilund in Wintertusk, which is given by Grandmother Raven in Hrundle Fjord.
3. Having completed the quest “Thief of Spells” from Erik Wyrdrune in Northguard.

If you meet these requirements, then you can go to Baldur Goldpaws in Olde Town to get the quest “The Spell Trade”, and then you will talk to Erik Wyrdrune once again in Northguard to get the quest “The Runedown.”

Apr 17, 2011
So ... if I meet the level requirements, but have not been offered the necessary quests, I guess I'm SOL. I've completed Mirkholm Keep. I haven't found anyone else with a quest for me, and Baldur Goldpaws in Olde Towne never had a quest for me. I was just curious what might have gone amiss or if there might have been a glitch. Thanks for the information.

Dec 30, 2009
If I were you, I would contact support and ask then what you are missing.