Randomly when i'm playing sometimes everything will disappear except my character and my surroundings. i can still move but i can't see anything not even my journal/book at the corner of the screen. I'd appreciate if you guys would fix this problem. Thanks!
When I was using my neighbor's service (with their permission, of course) their connection was so random, I never knew what would happen. I can't tell you how many times I was running around thinking I was doing stuff for a quest, just to find out that I had lost connection and was actually in a battle somewhere. Make sure that the connection you're using is a permanent one, otherwise you'll continuously run into that problem. And if it keeps happening on a permanent connection, you might want to speak with your provider. Oh, and a tip, if you're on a laptop, there is a little icon in the taskbar that shows the connection and its strength. It comes in handy sometimes.