Lately I had a party at my house and after I asked all of these people who came that I didn't know to leave. Most of them said no. I restricted my home to friends only and they still were able to come back. how is that possible?! If anyone knows what I should do please tell me.
Are you sure they came back I did that and moments later they all vanished. just be paceint and you will get them out. if that does not work follow them around clicking on them and clicking send away. if that does not work i dont know what to tell you.
Wizard names taken from the character creation screens are NOT unique. There can be THOUSANDS of wizards named "Wolf" and probably are. My guess is the software uses the "account name" to determine "friends only " access, which IS unique, and may even 'assume' if you are friends with this account under "Wolf", you probably also want to be friends with this account when he calls himself "Daniel" using a different wizard on the same log-in.
I am curious how this thread solves this problem. Please post when you have answers please.
If there is a problem and people are somehow coming back even with restrict to friends turn on, then you need to contact customer support. Not sue how to do it but I think there is a button on the main screen that takes you there.
Second, while you are waiting for tech support to fix the problem, start using your housing items to restrict where people can go. If you put a couch or something in front of the door to your house, when people enter, they won't be able to go anywhere.
If you put barriers up outside, you might be able to force people only in certain areas and people might start to get bored with that.