ok this is been happening since yesterday or the day before.but only on my laptop. i complete a quest,or even just enter a place.nothing loads,all the people and monsters are nameless and look like minions, i can't go through any doors, talk to any npcs,use any teleports (go home, got o commons, ect),get in any fights or even quit. i have to go to task manager and force a shut down. sometimes restarting doesn't even help. i find myself restarting ten to fifteen times before i can do anything, and then ti works for like five minuets.I've turned down or off everything and I've uninstalled and reinstalled the game, plus let my computer choose it's compatibility. I'm out of ideas.sometimes when i restart the game, I'll be started in the middle of a battle and half dead, with the opponent unharmed as if i had gotten in a fight and passed several turns...
You could have a few different issues, first make sure your video card drivers are up to date; also if you are playing via WIFI you could have bad signal strength that could be lagging you so much that loading can't/won't occur in a timely manner; or the signal could be dropping and picking back up in such a way to make your progress nil. If you have ruled these out send a ticket to support so they can better help diagnose where the problem may be.
Krailzec has already given you a few things to check. Here is another if you are using WiFi. Contact your ISP provider and have a password set up to access your WiFi. People can steal and use your service unless you are hardwired to the internet. This is a Federal offense but unless you know who is doing it, it is very hard to prove. The only reason I know this, is because my grand daughter kept losing connection on her laptop and we had to have a password put on the WiFi for her. After that, we had no more problems.
WELCOME TO MY WORLD! you have encountered the "trapped" bug ( thats what I call it ) so all i do is shut down the computer ( which makes my computer laggy >.< ) but then i figured out a new way :D just go on small screen and press "X" just like the internet pretty much