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Bugged quest: Dark Side of the Moon

May 22, 2009
I entered The Portico, was prompted with the "There's something wrong here" text, found the inactive protector, and combatted Stellar Protectors to get this and that. However, upon returning to the 'Downed Protector' I'm unable to interact with him, and when I consulted the quest text there's a GIANT question mark where the portrait would be, and the quest text is merely "..."
I've left the instance and returned, but my quest has not updated in my log, and combatting more Stellar Protectors does nothing, and I still can't 'speak' with the Downed Protector. I can't up and abandon the quest (I wish you guys would change that) and back tracking to the individual I picked up the last quest from does nothing.

May 20, 2010