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Can't complete daily assignments

Feb 09, 2009
i can't complete the daily assignment to defeat a single haunted minion in dark cave. tried defeating multiple minions, checked to make sure i'm in the right area, nothing. went back to aegon to see if it completed, he still told me to go defeat a minion in dark cave.
i asked others in the dark cave and it looks like it's all broken for them, too.

Nov 18, 2009
I have attempted to complete the daily assignment several times on different characters and it is not counting the wins. I am told to fight the haunted minions in the Dark Cave but when I do, it is not counting for me on any character. I have one friend I asked about this and he is having the same issue. With all of the other issues that have been occurring recently it seems like this is becoming more hassle then it is worth.

Jun 17, 2012
I defeated the right creature in the right place. Nothing. This is ridiculous!

Jun 17, 2012
I went to the right place and defeated the right creature. Nothing. No prize. What now?

May 12, 2019
Two days in a row I've gone to the required location and killed the required monster but did not receive the reward.

Dec 22, 2010
No one was able to do daily quest for the Gravulum daily all weekend.


Also, since it's the weekend, there will be no posts added to the forums, which I wish would change. Issues happen on the weekend too. Not having open forums is kind of weird imo.

Jul 14, 2009
For the past two days, neither my free to play nor my paid accounts have been able to get credit for the assignments given by Aegon Statz. Haunted Minions in the Dark Cave on 5/25, and now Haunted Minions in FireCat Alley are not giving credit for the defeat.
I have restarted the game, restarted my computer, and finally the dreaded uninstall and reinstall of the game, all to no avail. None of this has resolved the issue. As it takes forever to reload all graphics after a game install, I did not want to do that, but did.

New information:
My wife has the same issue on her computer and I have it also on my laptop, so by this knowledge I would say the problem is on KIs end. Please look into this issue.

Thank You.

Aug 04, 2014
The last two days I have had wizards have to defeat Haunted Minions for my Daily Assignment, yesterday in the Dark Cave, today in Firecat Alley. For some reason, upon defeating them, it did not tell me I completed the daily assignment. I went back to my Gravulum Lodestone and it also told me I did not complete the assignment. I have talked to other people who said they were having the same issue.

Jul 26, 2009
I do my dailys and dont recieve as it has been done. meaning i kill a charmed slave in royal hall and it still tells me to do that it dont complete and i tried killing haunted minion and it wont complete my daily either thats as a myth wizard today

Jul 26, 2009
they are not working i have done the ones pertaining to killing a specific minion but after i kill it i still dont complete my daily and i am not the only one this is happening to.

Dec 09, 2008
Thanks everyone for reporting this issue, we're looking into it! Due to the Memorial Day weekend, please be patient as it may take a bit longer than normal to find a resolution.

Apr 18, 2013
Sparck. on May 27, 2019 wrote:
Thanks everyone for reporting this issue, we're looking into it! Due to the Memorial Day weekend, please be patient as it may take a bit longer than normal to find a resolution.
Sparck, I sent a ticket to Customer Support about this and they were unhelpful as usual. Look what they wrote me!

Response By Email (KingsIsle Support) (05/26/2019 03:53 PM)


We are aware of the issue and apologize for the inconvenience. Please wait for the next assignment.

Regards,KingsIsle Support

I just want my Daily Assignment updated. Now I am a day behind when I did it for that day. What is being done about this?

Dec 09, 2008
stemogstel on May 29, 2019 wrote:
Sparck, I sent a ticket to Customer Support about this and they were unhelpful as usual. Look what they wrote me!

Response By Email (KingsIsle Support) (05/26/2019 03:53 PM)


We are aware of the issue and apologize for the inconvenience. Please wait for the next assignment.

Regards,KingsIsle Support

I just want my Daily Assignment updated. Now I am a day behind when I did it for that day. What is being done about this?
EDIT: Unfortunately we are unable to award these to you, so as customer support directed, please wait for the next assignment.

Dec 22, 2010
that's well and all, but what about the ones that didn't send in a ticket in? Or didn't know how to?

I missed 2 days worth of daily quests, but didn't send in a ticket in for it. I posted in the bug forum, like many have as well instead.

Aug 07, 2012
All 4 of my wizards have the daily challenge from Aegon Statz to defeat a haunted minion in Firecat Alley. I did that but received no daily reward and challenge is uncompleted???? This is for today Friday 5/31/19.

Oct 04, 2012
Just as an FYI, Sparck, it looks like this only happens when the requested creature is a haunted minion. That was the assigned mob twice last weekend and it wouldn't work regardless of location. All other dailies that I or my wife received worked. Today it is once again for a haunted minion (in firecat alley this time) and again it doesn't register.

Apr 18, 2013
Sparck. on May 29, 2019 wrote:
EDIT: Unfortunately we are unable to award these to you, so as customer support directed, please wait for the next assignment.
Lol, I didn't see your reply, and I had just reopened this ticket with CS because it happened again! The Daily Assignment for my lvl 120 wiz this time is not working. The DA for Friday, May 31, is defeat one Haunted Minion in Firecat Alley, Wizard City.

Also, Dear Ofelia raises a good point.
Although I can relate it to the cable company; when a show does not record properly, they sometimes, depending on the person, give credit, but only if we call it in. Is their credit worth waiting the excruciatingly long time it takes to get through to them? idk
But, even with this answer, it'd be a better world if it didn't have to come down to that.

Anyways, both my DA incidents are with Haunted Minions. Is this a pattern?

Jun 17, 2012
Okay, it's not Memorial Day weekend anymore, and I'm still having this problem. WHAT NOW?

It seems to only happen in the 'pay to play' areas, if that helps.

Dec 09, 2008
Dec 09, 2008
If you missed a daily assignment, go ahead and complete the latest one. Please do not contact support requesting missed prizes for previous assignments. We are unable to award you individual prizes for missed events.

Aug 07, 2012
Thank you KI for changing today's quest (5/31) so that we can collect the daily reward. and thanks for the double daily reward benefit.

Looking forward to the fishing event that was mentioned on KI live!

Apr 15, 2012
Seems the haunted minion daily quests are still having issues, it is not june 1st and they are still not working for my 3 wizards that were assigned it.

Jul 18, 2009
I tried the haunted minion as that is my daily quest for today and received nothing. FYI.

Sep 02, 2011
I am having the same trouble with the Haunted Minion today, 6/1/2019. Can you reset today as well?

Dec 09, 2008
Daily assignments should be working at this time. We're resolving issues with the one's you've been reporting (thanks!), so it's possible in the next day or two one of these may come up again before we can get in a fix.