So I have a lvl 31 Death wizard. I have finished literally all the quests and battles in Hyde Park. I talked to Sherlock Bones afterwards. I have like 6 or more quests that are for Chelsea Court. I try to talk to the ticketmasster, but she says she isn't accepting anyone into chelsea couet at the moment. What's going on???
Did you try just going to the Chelsea Court platform?
In the old days we had to buy a ticket from Tracy but now we just go straight to the balloon car and ride on over. Hopefully, if you've got the quest to go talk to Ms. Marphley, that's all you need to do.
If that doesn't work, let us know what quests you have in Chelsea so we can see if you're missing something.
Okay, so you've completed the final main quest Open Says Me in Hyde Park which requires you to defeatGearhead (Boss) and then finally speak to Sherklock Bones in Digmoore Station.
Assuming you've done this, you should then get a quest Out of Control from him to go to Chelsea Court.
On your way there, try speaking to the Ticket Master.
As far as I know, Chelsea Court is not level locked, so this should work.