So i looked up online some pet drops in KT. i saw that Krokenkahamen dropped an Inferno Cat, and Prince Manu Nirini dropped some type of mander. i constantly battled them for 2 hours straight. i logged off and took a long break. the next day i went to try Prince Gobblestone for the Ice Serpent and spent an hour farming him. no pet. i farmed every boss in KT that dropped a pet and still, not a single pet! is there some type of trick to getting these pets!
Pet drops are completely lucky. I got a krokomummy the first time I did the Vault of Ice, and I got a midnight sprite after battling Lord Nightshade at least 60 times. I went in for fun immediately after that, and I got a blue banshee! So, as you can see, just keep on trying and you might get lucky.
All I can say is keep trying. And try a different realm if you can. I got the ice serpent on my second try (of course that was after I found out he drops it and I don't know how many other battles when I didn't know about it!) Alicane dropped a sprite on my second battle with him. Both battles were fought after goodness-knows-how-many battles, after I found out they drop pets. So just keep trying. I'm still trying Prince Manu. Been there at least 6 times already.
The number of "hours" spent means nothing, it is the number of kills.
If the "odds" of having a specific pet dropped during a given boss fight is 5%, then ... supposedly ... killing THAT particular NPC 100 times will produce 5 of these pets somewhere along in the process.
There are people saying you also HAVE to IMPROVE the odds of the desired drop by insuring the battle is "worthwhile", for example, lasting more than seven rounds, and that the boss is the last mob killed in the fight.
IMHO, this is rubbish. The odds of the drop are the odds of the drop. Period. I usually kill the boss last simply because it is less damaging to ME to get rid of as many combatants as possible as quickly as possible.
If you REALLY want a specific drop, the most expedient method is to build a tailored deck (starter deck is good) designed specifically to give you the spells you need to win THAT battle as quickly as possible with a minimum amount of "discarding".
Kill the monster. Change realms. Rinse and repeat.
If you are not willing to kill the NPC 100 times for the desired drop, then you are not REALLY interested in acquiring the reward desired.
So i looked up online some pet drops in KT. i saw that Krokenkahamen dropped an Inferno Cat, and Prince Manu Nirini dropped some type of mander. i constantly battled them for 2 hours straight. i logged off and took a long break. the next day i went to try Prince Gobblestone for the Ice Serpent and spent an hour farming him. no pet. i farmed every boss in KT that dropped a pet and still, not a single pet! is there some type of trick to getting these pets!
Jordan NightDreamer Level 29 Sorcerer
There's no trick to getting them, just luck. I tried farming Prince Manu Nirini for the Fire Salamander, but no luck. Krokenkahem, I wanted a pet from him, and in maybe, 4-6 tries, I got a Fire Serpent pet from him. Not what I expected, but a pet is a pet. :D From Prince Gobblestone, I don't think i've gotten anything from him. Now i'm a HUGE pet collecter here, so I guess my luck is running pretty low in KT and WC. :(
So i looked up online some pet drops in KT. i saw that Krokenkahamen dropped an Inferno Cat, and Prince Manu Nirini dropped some type of mander. i constantly battled them for 2 hours straight. i logged off and took a long break. the next day i went to try Prince Gobblestone for the Ice Serpent and spent an hour farming him. no pet. i farmed every boss in KT that dropped a pet and still, not a single pet! is there some type of trick to getting these pets!
Jordan NightDreamer Level 29 Sorcerer
I lost track of how many times I tried to get a sea dragon. I was up to 150 Astraeus kills and 75 Big Salgio and haven't got one yet. My two other friends both got 3 in that time. Just all I do is let out a big sigh. Now my new thing is to do each dungeon or area once per day and that is it.