So a genius on our team had 0 mana going into the first fight of this dungeon. He fled, went to refill bottles and recall.
We started the second fight without him, expecting him to recall and join. His friend, who was inside with us and in battle, said his friend was unable to recall, that the recall button wasn't there.
If it helps, the guy and his friend started Team-Up at the sigil, and I joined them via the kiosk.
I know the seals fight is buggy, but we had no issues getting them to all appear and join battle with us.
The locked-out guy had to restart the dungeon with a different group.
I know other dungeons also tend to lock you out and disable recall if you leave AND the group moves on to the next quest within the instance: Warlord Minak's lair and The Basstille, for example. What causes this?