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Apr 08, 2010
My friend defeated Malistare and he didn't unlock Celestia. How come. (His wizard is named Eric Hawkstrider and he is a level 45 Master Also he is Storm.

Young Wizard, there's no need to post this repeatedly.

Your friend is not yet high enough level to enter Celestia.

Only players who have reached level 48 and completed the Dragonspyre quest "The Final Countdown" should speak to Merle Ambrose for more information about Celestia.

Mar 23, 2011
Professor Greyrose on Jul 19, 2013 wrote:
Young Wizard, there's no need to post this repeatedly.

Your friend is not yet high enough level to enter Celestia.

Only players who have reached level 48 and completed the Dragonspyre quest "The Final Countdown" should speak to Merle Ambrose for more information about Celestia.

I reccomend, if you have friend who finished all dungeons in CL tell him to take you there. There is nice XP. Than tell someone to take you to last dungeon in Wintertusk. Maybe if you will have this dungeons in storyline quest, you will get just half of normal XP. But than is good go to doing Wintertusk. To get easily lvl 60 to start ZF. Before lvl 50 GH doesn't give good XP.

Sorry, Professor Greyrose. But this is my help to get easily CL and ZF.

- I hope, it heps!

ROBERT - Lvl. 90

Jan 10, 2013
You must be lvl 50 to enter celestia it had happened to me before I was lvl 48 and I couldn't celestia

Kane StormBlade