Is there a way to clear out the chat box without having to log out of the game totally? It's very distracting after playing one wizard to see the leftover conversation when you start a different character. It would also be nice to wipe away all the trash that collects any time you are in the Commons.
I don't know if there is a way, but i agree it is wierd to see that when i do a lot of char switching. It would be nice if there was an option to have the txt in the chat box auto-fade after like 2 minutes or so.
I wouldn't want auto-fade since I'd miss what was said prior to whatever time-out is set (like 'afk' and 'back', etc.).
A key to clear the chat box would be really handy to prevent either continuously re-reading old chat, thinking its new or to prevent missing new chat, thinking it was old.
It might be nice to have an option for this, but I would not want it to disappear automatically. I frequently scroll backwards in my chat box to see a text message I missed while afk, a question or comment I missed when lots of people were talking, the combination of a lock (which I always repeat in chat for that reason), the full name of a new friend, etc. I would be lost without the chat record!