I was going to buy some new clothing at the bazzar after getting a lot of money and saw a shirt I liked balance only. (thinking the colors yellow and blue are the best) I look at the colors of the oufit and see they can only be bland colors like dark purple gray and brown. Next shirt, no, next shirt, no, next shirt, no. :? Then i get to a all class shirt and of corse all color are avalible. But it was no where near as good as the balance only. Then the same with shoes and hats. So I'm wondering why balance cloths are so limited I mean other classes are too but why to such a low amount of colors. I think ALL cloths should be avalible to come with ALL cloths. Any comments? Benjamin Mist Mask Balance Wizard level 53
Get a balance robe with good stats. Then buy a robe that looks nice and pick the colors you want. Go to the seamstress in the commons. Stitch the image of the colorful robe to the stats of the balance robe with good stats. By doing this you will have a pretty robe with good stats for balance.
I'm not sure why KI chose to limit the colors you could buy them from the bazaar in but you can change the color at a shop in WC. Just change the color at the bazaar to the combination that is the cheapest and then go to the shop in the Shopping District and change it to the colors you want. It costs a bit more but it's no big deal.
Even in the dye shop, crafted gear is limited to School Only Colors. I wonder if the item you were looking at in the Bazaar was a crafted item. Crafters have asked for more color choices, but nothing has been changed yet.
I dont think you can sell crafting cloths at the bazaar but anyway, cloths have school only colors because notice when you get them, they arnt out of school colors. This is probably not to confuse people or just to make it simpler. Life is green, fire is red, myth is yellow/(blue?), death is black, ice is white, balance is (tan/purples???) and storm is purple/blue/yellow.
Those are the colors we assume, or at least i do, to be of a certain school. But, that also means that we spend money in the dye shop to change the colors, spending our in game money, sometimes buying in game money with out real money, and over all spending more time getting gold, which is over all usually more game play time.
I know that you CAN sell crafted gear at the Bazaar, because I've done it several times. However, I have not purchased any, and so I don't know if it gives you a color option when you buy it, as most other clothes do.
I have several wizards, all different schools. I have found that I like to pick specific colors for those individuals and stick with them. My death wiz was yellow/white. Balance is white/pink, and I can't remember what the others are. It's been a while since I've played with them. But yeah, the best option for some things is to have them stitched and/or dyed at the shop.