Well this is fun. 3 days now and we haven't been able to connect to the server for some reason. It's not in the "known bugs" area though. Would anyone from K.I. care to comment?
I'm having the same problem. It just started tonight. I was playing fine, logged off and now I can't get back on. It's not our connection since other family members are connecting to our other accounts just fine.
ll i get is this Cannot connect to Wizard101. Please try again later and im a paying costumer about to stop paying. I was just playing the game switch toons was it. now cant get in try back later wine i read nots i found this
Cannot connect to Wizard101. Please try again later", please be patient as so many players are trying to log in to the game that there's a bit of a lineup. bs need to fix this mess ore louse a paying costumer i really love this game :-( :-(
I have the same problem but only on at my office can not connect at all now. At home it is harder to connect since the last patch but I do after 2 to 3 tries.
KI needs to make a few servers for paying customers only. That way we can log in when we want, and not have to worry about the backlog of people who are all trying to connect. It is frustrating being a yearly-paying member,and can't connect to the game at all. And if i am fortunate enough to connect,I see lots of non-members enjoying the game. Nothing against the non-members,but the people who DO pay and support the game should have priority. Anyone from KingsIsle care to comment on this please? :-)
spent ages trying to connect which is a pain as you need to reload it everytime. Then i get playing and it's really jerky and has me frozen for a few seconds at a time(long enough to get caught and drawn into a battle plus miss the first 2 rounds). I am sticking to the perfect realms but still taking a long time to load and when i just tried to leave my house it was unable to connect to server.
I subcribe and buy crowns, i am not happy with not being able to play the game i am paying for when free players are on. paying members should get priority.
quick tip for KI, Weekends will be busy, maybe you should prepare for it. the games been running a while now so these upsurges in usage shouldn't catch you out.
I actually got this error message when I was trying to EXIT the game. Very strange.
I had the same problem happen to me just now. I told a friend i would brb cause i was going to add them on another character.Boom, i was unable to connect. Then i continued to try and log in at least 6 or 7 more times and i couldnt. As to what Pyr said, i completely agree.
I am a member and that may be temparary if i keep getting disconnected in the middle of a battle or can't connect to the game for hours!I am suddenly very dissappointed with a game that i love otherwise,....please address this problem asap.Even a new world doesn't matter to me if I can't play the game that i'm paying for. :-((((((( :?
I've been a paying customer for almost 2 yrs now and this last update has really made things bad! I just got booted in the middle of a dungeon helping a friend who now has no idea why i just left him there and i can't get back on. wont connect to server for more than an hour. Yep, i agree, i love the game, but their $14.00 a month is gonna go bye bye if i dont see some better treatment. and the lag and freezing is really getting outta hand.
find a solution KingIsle or you gonna lose a lot of paying customers.
Put me in the group of can't connect at all. It's only main character who is level 26. All my lowbies connect fine! I've been trying to connect my level 26 character for 9 HOURS NOW! Unbelievable!
I've only been playing for about 2 or 3 weeks. But seems like it's the same probs as the other game I left. Paying customers...paying for a game they can't play.
It is pretty similar for me as well. I can connect to the server, but after that is the problem. When Wizard101 shows up on your screen, and you press a key to continue, it tells you to wait for it to connect. But it never does, and I just keep exiting out and trying again. I HAVE WAITED 6 DAYS TO PLAY WIZARD101!!! WHY CAN'T I CONNECT!?!
Good Question.. Why is it that we as paying customers are having such a hard time connecting to a game that we have payed for???? Please fix the problem....
I've been having the same problem. Haven't been able to play for 6 days and I have a year's subscription. Has anyone received any comments from the company??? I have sent in several requests for help but have just gotten generic responses. Very frustrating!
This Happens to me all the time! I'm kind of tired of it, cause I was in battle with Plague Oni and I got disconnected! it not really KI's fault because it happens to me on other games too. It's just because there's too many people online so it gets rid of some people by disconnecting them
Same problem with me. It has to do with your firewall, but not just the firewall on your computer. It's also the firewall on the computer that the router is hooked up to. So, I am able to connect fine at home, but at school, or at a friends house, I can connect until something has to load.
It just happened now, I am at a friends house and everything was going good, but when I went to load the Watchtower House Preview, it told me that I cannot connect to the server and made me quit, even though I could still see people talking and moving in the background.
It also happened before when I was in the middle of a duel. For some reason, it started to load some Mob data and it kicked me off.
Now, when I try to restart the loading screen, it still tries to load the data for the Grizzlehein house, and whenever it does, I get the cannot connect screen. It's rather annoying that any firewall blocks it, even firewalls of a remote computer.
When I go off to college, I doubt I'm going to be able to play this game because I'll have no access to the main router in my Dorm. If this doesn't get fixed soon, KingsIsle is going to be losing a bunch of paying customers and crown buyers!
Myself as well. Luckily my son has no problem. I have tried a dozen times today cannot get in. The same problem all week. I did get in once a couple of days ago. Yet, was booted with the message that area is not ready. Paying customer level 46 in Dragonspyre.
ll i get is this Cannot connect to Wizard101. Please try again later and im a paying costumer about to stop paying. I was just playing the game switch toons was it. now cant get in try back later wine i read nots i found this
Cannot connect to Wizard101. Please try again later", please be patient as so many players are trying to log in to the game that there's a bit of a lineup. bs need to fix this mess ore louse a paying costumer i really love this game :( :(
lol it comes to the screen where it says wizard 101 in big and then it says connecting to server and it never connects!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( :( i love the game (there is no problem with router) i am in mooshu,zachary dragonflame lvl 32