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Connection issues

Jul 20, 2016
I have to agree, it always makes me lose a battle in the last few days, and I just got a membership. Makes me want my money back cause I can't even play for longer than a few minutes

Jul 24, 2013
I've been watching the message boards regarding ANY updates pertaining to the server connection issues. There has not been any response from KI since the 30th of July, that I've seen. I am and have still been having connection issues for a week now. I had renewed a couple accounts before this happened and have not been able to play much at all due to this issue. I've even had connection issues with the Wizard101 website at times. I don't dare attempt to run a dungeon for fear of being disconnected. I'm a pretty frustrated wizard atm. KI, please give an update

Jun 23, 2013
I have membership and its going to waste! I can't do any battles without getting disconnected plz fix this

Jul 24, 2013
Quinn0226a on Aug 2, 2016 wrote:
I've been watching the message boards regarding ANY updates pertaining to the server connection issues. There has not been any response from KI since the 30th of July, that I've seen. I am and have still been having connection issues for a week now. I had renewed a couple accounts before this happened and have not been able to play much at all due to this issue. I've even had connection issues with the Wizard101 website at times. I don't dare attempt to run a dungeon for fear of being disconnected. I'm a pretty frustrated wizard atm. KI, please give an update
Just wanted to update my post - I have been playing straight through since the launch of the new updates with not a single disconnect. Thank you KI for fixing whatever it was that was the issue.

Apr 16, 2011
I've also been getting connection issues. It's normally during a battle or when I'm training pets in a minigame. It usually shuts my entire game down and I have to relog. Glad to know its not just me.

Dec 17, 2010
9/17/2016- 9/19/2016

I'm having severe connection problems on Friday and Saturday nights trying to do Pvp. i have lost some matches due to not being able to cast my spell, with the " Broken Chain " appearing on my screen. Then after a match Sunday night, 9/18/2016 there was a long delay to be able to port out of the Arena that i was in. This kept happening after each match in a tourney. I'm sure your servers get loaded heavy at times. Why do you keep sending me to full realm, when i was in a perfect realm before my match? It makes no sense to send every player to " Ambrose " realm when it is over loaded. I try to avoid crowded realms, but you keep kicking me back to full realms. No wonder the servers get over loaded, and players get booted out. Not much fun getting booted off the game when your a member, and so many players with no membership are running around jamming the servers. Can you not make a realm for Members only? I guess the non- members are potential members, and you dont want to make them mad and quit playing. I doubt that your server issues will change very much in the future. I know others are having the same issues, and some are quitting because of it. It's a shame you " can't " fix the issues. There's a " fine line " there with the word " Can't ". Good luck.

Jun 08, 2015
DITTO! Repeated lost connections, network problems . . . so much that the stress is causing me anxiety attacks.

Feb 24, 2015
Tuesaday Sept 20, 4 pm my time: (I'm in Ontario Canada, whatever time zone that is),

Well since this thread seems to be the place to mention it I am also having lots of connection issues suddenly. Just within the last 30 minutes or so I've been running into a lot of "this area is closed, please try again later" messages. Then after a minute or so I get the message "failed to connect with the server" and I am given the choice to say ok or quit. If I say ok they basically freezes and I get booted.

Something is up with the servers it would appear.

Dec 25, 2011
From what I can tell this issue seems to be affecting a majority of players(and the minority that can get on experience lots of lag). If the issue isn't fixed soon Kingsisle might loose players since no one would want to pay money for something that doesn't work. I hope Kingsisle pays attention to this issue before it's too late.

Dec 11, 2015
I continue to have connection issues. I was told before it was because I had an old computer. Now I have just purchased a new computer and I will be working on a quest and cannot get from section to section without the game freezing! I will, for instance be in Olde Town and go into the tunnel to go to the shopping district and nothing happens. I cannot even end the program! "Quit" will not even work. Changing realms it will not have any realms listed-realms 01/00

I will be in a battle with friends and suddenly the ball & chain icon will appear saying "Network problems" then bump me off of the server-and my friends are left to fend for themselves-so it is unfair not only to me but to others

Please, I love this game and want to keep playing it, but something needs to be done!

Jun 06, 2008
aquaticmario16 on Sep 29, 2016 wrote:
I continue to have connection issues. I was told before it was because I had an old computer. Now I have just purchased a new computer and I will be working on a quest and cannot get from section to section without the game freezing! I will, for instance be in Olde Town and go into the tunnel to go to the shopping district and nothing happens. I cannot even end the program! "Quit" will not even work. Changing realms it will not have any realms listed-realms 01/00

I will be in a battle with friends and suddenly the ball & chain icon will appear saying "Network problems" then bump me off of the server-and my friends are left to fend for themselves-so it is unfair not only to me but to others

Please, I love this game and want to keep playing it, but something needs to be done!
Sorry to hear about your troubles. I've forwarded your message on to our Customer Support and they have opened a ticket to see if they can assist you further.

Dec 11, 2015
I want to give a big "Thank You!" to the Administrator and Staff for fixing my connection issues

Whatever was done has been working fantastic thus far and I am finally enjoying playing the game as it was supposed to be played (maybe over 7 hours is a bit excessive-but it's awesome to play on a rainy day off from work)

I greatly appreciate the quick attention given to my issue and the speed in which it was handled and fixed!

I have been referring your game out to so many people!

Keep up the fantastic job

Jan 21, 2016
It's happening to me in 12/15/2016 now. I don't understand why I just keep losing connection, I was doing Sunken City with friends and it just kept losing connection, at least I had friends with me.

But is there anything to why this might be happening here now in 12/15/2016?

I want it to be fixed. Please help me.

Luke SunShard 84

Sophia Starbright 14

Jan 21, 2016