Hello, I have had this glitch happening for me for the past 1 or 2 years (I have friends that told me this happened to them as well) that I just gave up on fixing: I am stuck on a crafting task, the one in Marleybone. I have all the items in my inventory, I made SURE they was all there MULTIPLE times, and the quest arrow even points me towards Felicia Worthington telling me to talk to her but I go to her and the question mark is still greyed out. I am in Zafaria at level 74 so I wanna craft some stuff, but I can't because I'm so behind on all the tasks . So, can someone help me?
It must be the exact items that you crafted for the quest that are in your bag. If you aren't sure, you might go ahead and craft them again just in case. Then you will be able to turn the quest in.