Idk if this is a mistake or anything, but I've critted almost every turn with only 47 ice rating from a staff. As far as I'm aware, I shouldn't be able to crit that much with such little rating. Also, my abilities do more damage to other schools but do less to fire mobs (I'm an ice wizard). Anyone know what's up or am I just going crazy?
Level 32 Life Wizard with 32 critical rating thanks to some pet grinding. I haven't played in a while, but if you hover your cursor over the rating, isn't it supposed to tell you the percentage? When I do that, it just says "Critical Rating 32" with no percentage. I asked some players in-game, and they said hovering over it yielded them the percentage. What am I missing here?!
I have no idea how it seems that no one has made a detailed post on this issue yet. With the new update, I suppose everyone is playing the new world, however we must be sure that the new crit and block systems are fully working as intended.
Currently, I'm running through Arc 1, on the world of Mooshu. I have been crit on by enemy mobs, and I have managed to crit on a level 35 wizard who has no crit to speak of, not even through pets.
The nature of crit is so random, especially at this level. If I do manage to catch another crit, I will of course update this thread with the screenshot. Until then, you have only my word, but I promise that this is occurring.
I'm sure that the team has been notified, or they're aware. But I was convinced that I should make my own bug report, just to be sure.
Hi since fall update release been on my life Storm Balance and so far like i reported in Test realm critical heals dont work I critical example: Sprite result 62 and 127 over time Availing hands which is 70/780 critical healed 128 and 340 overtime just saying critical damage works is this intentional as another dig against against healers?
Critical is so bugged right now, or I believe it is. My Magus Myth wizard is hitting critical hits, with no rating at all. Its happening pretty often i might add. So there needs to be some bug fixes.
I have no idea how it seems that no one has made a detailed post on this issue yet. With the new update, I suppose everyone is playing the new world, however we must be sure that the new crit and block systems are fully working as intended.
Currently, I'm running through Arc 1, on the world of Mooshu. I have been crit on by enemy mobs, and I have managed to crit on a level 35 wizard who has no crit to speak of, not even through pets.
The nature of crit is so random, especially at this level. If I do manage to catch another crit, I will of course update this thread with the screenshot. Until then, you have only my word, but I promise that this is occurring.
I'm sure that the team has been notified, or they're aware. But I was convinced that I should make my own bug report, just to be sure.
Have a good day.
Thanks for the report.
YES, it seems there's a bug - we're looking into it.
I can also report this is happening in Celestia as well. Before the update yesterday, I was hitting criticals (I'm working on getting my rating up on my Life wizard) but it wasn't as frequently happening until after the update. I was happy at first, then my criticals started getting blocked. My Life critical rating is 32 (other schools are 30), and my block rating (if that's necessary) is 95 and 55. I can also confirm that there are no percentages being shown on the screen with the Critical Rating and Block Rating. The power pips percentage, stun resistance percentage and healing in/out percentages seem to be fine. But the Critical and Block don't have percentages, just numbers (which I don't think are out of 100? I'm happy to take my 95 Life Crit Block rating out of 100, please don't get me wrong, I just thought there was a percentage there before?)
YES, it seems there's a bug - we're looking into it.
I'd say there's a bug, alright. Enemies in arc 1 should NOT be able to critical or block criticals. Not only are you not supposed to be introduced to those gameplay elements until arc 2, but critical rating and critical block are stats you don't get from gear until Level 50 ( unless you get VERY lucky with a pet ).
That said, making enemies in special dungeons like Mount Olympus feels like a fresh new challenge. In the past, nothing in that dungeon could critical, or block criticals, except the Gladiator. But through proper skill and tactics, it IS possible to cope with the crits and pull through without the aid of a Wizard above level 30. So if you ask me, dungeons like Mount Olympus should keep the criticals for enemies.
i recently finished karamelle when i realized i only cast 2 spells that was not critical for the whole world. none has been blocked by the monsters and only the first cabalist boss put a crit on me. i'm not complaning but thats seems a bit strange thats so easy to crit for us and so hard for the monsters.
Awwww it is a crit-bug? I was just starting to enjoy questing again in Emyrea. Goodness knows - we wouldn't want any crit balancing to actually work a little in favor of actual being able to win bigger boss fights in a reasonable amount of time solo and progress through worlds. Seriously, I was just starting to enjoy the grind, and progressing through the story again. I sure hope they now don't swing the pendulum all the other way, as it was before the update - when I rarely critted and never critted when I needed to. I actually thought the re balancing was to help people who are not gear and spell grinders get through worlds a little. Thanks folks for bursting my happy bubble. Have fun grinding your teeth out and playing that gear/spell game to progress without having a wait for a team or wishing your friends who are all playing other games now still played Wizards.
This is a feature of the new critical system. Criticals are no longer a simple case of did crit vs didn't crit. Block does reduce the chance of critical, but it is a more complex calculation than the old simple percentage. Criticals can fail even if the target has no critical block, and attackers can crit even with no critical rating. Furthermore, it the crit succeeds the damage increase factor is no longer a flat x2 but rather reduced by critical block. Google around and you will find clever players have already pretty much figured out the formulas. Essentially both critical rating and caster level increse crit chance and crit damage, while both block rating and target level will decrease crit chance and crit damage.
thanks to double reagents i was able to craft hammer of thor on my storm but it seems bugged, it seems as if crits do not effect it at all. i tested this on a wooden construct in the golem court tower ( a tier 1 mob that has no base resistance to anything, and has no crit/block stat) i tested this w/ 173% storm dmg as well, and as a comparison used shocking dragoons amulet aoe card squall wyvern to compare with thor thor w/ enchant does 775 (475 w/o all testing was done w/ an epic enchant) squall does between 715-755 dmg, so they're both fairly close and comparable to dmg i crit a hammer and did 2110 dmg, which is about fair assuming i didn't crit, only i did i crit a squall and did 4058 dmg seeing the little comparison rates between both, i assume either two hypotheticals 1. the devs never intended for hammer of thor to be able to get crits, which, seems pretty silly to me. hammer is already pretty fairly weak in damage comparison (not the point of the thread eitherways) and if they made it where a damage hit couldn't get crit then, why is it alone? it makes no sesne, which led me to think 2. the spell is bugged. i'm just wondering in general if it is intended for hammer to ignore crits or if this is a bug. i like the animation of the spell and all and could see myself using it in something like lore if i'm not aoeing incase we go second and the weakness spawn uses a virt.
Last night In one of dozens of fights in Avalon I actually saw the "critical blocked" message. It made me think the devs are trying to make players happy by reintroducing that bit of reassurance that the critical block is actually doing something, quite possibly in direct response to this forum thread. Still, it was just once out of many fights, even though my Avalon wizard has rather substantial block for his level. I expect the devs are still playing with the algorithm and will make additional changes so the message appears more frequently.
I've posted to this thread twice already but keep forgetting to mention that I read somewhere it is a feature (AKA "annoying limitation") of the new critical system that criticals never happen in the first arc. Apparently the devs are trying to keep things simple for new players, who have so much else to learn. This appears to be a function of the game world, not the wizard's stats, so getting a critical rating early through a pet or something doesn't change the "no criticals in the first arc" rule. Indeed, once you get to a second arc world, criticals will start happening whether you have a critical rating or not.
So Hi my Name is Adam Dark in game, I believe that the changes are that if you have critical you will crit. Although i believe there are two methods of how it works. Minions and elite minions will not block or rarely will block your critical, although it is possible that bosses can. I have played on and off this game for years. Before your critical had a rating where having 4 critical would equal one percent chance. Also critical these days have changed, back then critical is stable for all enemy if you crit you would expect to do the same damage to all enemies now in days it different. You have a chance to do 2x the damage or 1.4x the damage. I for one don't agree with this system but i understand why. For reference i am a lvl 98 storm with a critical of almost 600 that is basically max level critical back then. But now in days I'm seeing my friend with 128 critical crit hitting almost every single shot. I remember back then the first time i got crited on was in celestia (world 6) on the floating islands after that it never happened again until i hit avalon (world 9). I really need to know these critical things because it really sucks to be able to do 20k to one boss and only 13k to the other.