I love being able to do critical spells, and I love the Aura that increases your critical chance. When I have on all my critical gear and am using this spell, I have a 103% critical chance for all of my school spells (Balance). Yet, I actually critical on my school spells very rarely like this. Isn't that defying the laws of statistics? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I've always been under the impression that if something has a 100% chance of happening, that means it will happen every time. Isn't that why companies advertise their products as being 99.99% effective--because they don't always work? I am fine with not being able to make it so that I critical every time, but if that's the case then it should be impossible for us to get critical chances that are 100% or above. Please fix this, KI!
I love being able to do critical spells, and I love the Aura that increases your critical chance. When I have on all my critical gear and am using this spell, I have a 103% critical chance for all of my school spells (Balance). Yet, I actually critical on my school spells very rarely like this. Isn't that defying the laws of statistics? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I've always been under the impression that if something has a 100% chance of happening, that means it will happen every time. Isn't that why companies advertise their products as being 99.99% effective--because they don't always work? I am fine with not being able to make it so that I critical every time, but if that's the case then it should be impossible for us to get critical chances that are 100% or above. Please fix this, KI!
Actually, you have 103 critical chance points, no percentage!
103 critical points out of 500 gives you roughly 21% chance!
I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but this is how the criticals work! You can check your character information page, go to your critical points and it will show you the actual percentage you have!
By what math or other evidence did you arrive at the maximum of 500 critical rating?
To the OP, I have 160'ish critical rating and hit critical about 30% of the time.
Actually, I read about it in a post from when criticals first started. I wish i could give credit to the person who informed me of it.
Anyway, I have tested each piece of equipment and when you round to the nearest figure, you get what is generally stated. When you take the whole number, such as 150 or 160, you will be off slightly percentage wise, because each piece is rounded up and then added together.
To find the percentage, take the number and divide it by the points possible and then round if necessary!
Hits = 500 possible Blocks = 400 possible
I really wish i could give credit to the person that figured this out, but it does check out!
Thank you for clarifying, I understand now! It makes sense the way you explained it, but I can honestly say that I wouldn't have ever figured it out on my own in-game. Most of the people I've met in-game have been just as confused as I was, which means there still is a problem! Maybe KI could change it so that instead of having to mouse over our "rating" to see our actual percentage, our actual percentage could be displayed the same way it is for our Resistance, Damage, and Accuracy percentages. Much less confusing, in my opinion!