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Crowns for Grub app

May 26, 2013
So I noticed for grub guardian people with ios just buy crowns from the app, and can use Itune giftcards, I have a galaxy, and one of the things I got in my stocking was a 10$ google play gift card, I would like to buy 5k crowns with it, but when I press buy crowns it directs me to the website so I can't redeem it. Any help?

-Thank you

Sep 19, 2013
Trade the gift card to a friend for $10. Buy the crowns with the $10. Problem solved.

Jul 19, 2013
I did the crown thing once and it worked fine for me. I bought it with an ITunes gift card as well, (10 dollars worth) and I completed the purchase off of the app on an I-Pad. Maybe try again? Or just use Robobot1747's method. :)

May 26, 2013
Rebecca Ashhunter on Dec 30, 2015 wrote:
I did the crown thing once and it worked fine for me. I bought it with an ITunes gift card as well, (10 dollars worth) and I completed the purchase off of the app on an I-Pad. Maybe try again? Or just use Robobot1747's method. :)
Yeah, I might have to do his way, I looked up the problem before and people with apple products buy crowns in the app, but for my galaxy which is "fairly" new it doesn't seem to open the little popup, it opens the website on my phone at the purchase section, idk it's weird.