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Current Aoe Criticals

Nov 11, 2010
Recently, I've been seeing some complaints going around (and have experienced myself) that when someone crits an aoe, some enemies aren't actually receiving critical damage, even enemies that don't have any block (like first arc enemies for example). My theory is that the way the game is currently working for any aoe, critical chance is run individually for each enemy. The critical animation is then showed if any of the enemies registered a critical. This conflicts with most wizards' interpretation on the way they believe aoe criticals should work, in that an aoe's critical chance is run once based on the wizard's stats, and block/multipliers are addressed for each enemy. Of course, I could also be completely wrong and it's just some other complicated glitch or bug. What I wanted to ask was, is this an intentional critical change by KI or is this something that they plan on fixing in the future?

Tl;dr: Are the "issues" with aoe crits not hitting every enemy intentional?

May 22, 2010
Interesting theory, and I'm not sure; I hope KI answers your question.

This issue has been a bit annoying--especially when farming Vestrilund--and I always just assumed that when my critical aoe spell didn't work on one enemy, that particular enemy had blocked the critical hit (although to be fair, I never see an animation that said it was blocked).

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009
I also find this annoying and a major issue. I've brought it up to KI including the fact that Critical chance altering spells such as Vengeance and Shadow Trickster do not change the Critical chance (or affect Critical in any way). The Dev's are aware that players see these as "blocking enemies with no block", but say that this is an intended feature to calculate the critical per each enemy as you described. Which is not intuitive given something that was working fine for almost 10 years. However, you're assumption that each one is individual is correct.

That all being said, they did indicate that they wanted to add some sort of animation on the enemies to indicate whether or not it's a block or a "failed to Crit" like how the block animation currently is. Though, I'm not sure how much of a priority that is. I hope they fix it soon too though.

Good luck!