sometimes in battle the animations for the attack result in red numbers indicating the amount of damage i just did to the opponent being displayed off-screen (above the top of the screen, so not visible)... these numbers are important to figure out things like resistance, how much damage that attack might do if done again, or when this attack is enough to kill in one blow...
the animations are great... but when they harm game play... not so much... and this is more a case of bad camera placement or tracking...
maybe there is an Attack Text Window i am missing? .. if not... that would be a great new feature (a text window that records and shows attack messages... such as damage done)...
sometimes in battle the animations for the attack result in red numbers indicating the amount of damage i just did to the opponent being displayed off-screen (above the top of the screen, so not visible)... these numbers are important to figure out things like resistance, how much damage that attack might do if done again, or when this attack is enough to kill in one blow...
the animations are great... but when they harm game play... not so much... and this is more a case of bad camera placement or tracking...
maybe there is an Attack Text Window i am missing? .. if not... that would be a great new feature (a text window that records and shows attack messages... such as damage done)...
Or they could just make it so when you're in battle, the Text Chat box tells you how much damage you're doing and taking.
two things here. First of all, when you go to pick your spells, if you look above the monster, there's the health/pip display. if you use that, you should have no problem figuring out which spell to use. number 2, what they could do is simply place the damage at the monster's feet and that would be the end of that. i say this because I AGREE with you that damage should be shown and not off screen. perhaps the camera needs to be panned back a little bit or angled better so we can see about the heads of the really large monsters
Agreed. Seethe's suggestion is a good one. Opponent's damage should display at feet, allies should display damage above their head, so all the numbers are on screen.