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Damage over time with prisms still broken

Jun 04, 2010
So, quite a long time ago (literally months) I submitted a ticket about damage over time spells being broken with prisms. For instance, you lay down 4 fire prisms, then cast fire elf, only the first one is actually used. They all say that they are converting, and they all get triggered, but you can tell from the damage that only the first one is actually working. This was acknowledged as a known bug. Does anyone have any idea when this will be fixed? I've also noticed that if you cast a global spell, such as wyldfire or balefrost after you cast a DoT that it doesn't alter the damage either, but that's technically a separate issue. Is it possible that it was fixed and broken again during the last couple of months? I admit, I haven't had occasion to use it in quite some time.
