I'm seriously mad right now. It takes forever to finish Darkmoor, but something went wrong. (It had too when you were in a battle for an hour anyway.) Ok so we we're in a battle with the first boss in the third dungeon of Darkmoor, with four people. Of course, we died multiple times causing us to flee and come back. Then, we killed the Yevegeny and the minions later. For some reason I got no drops at all (except a plant which I don't need.) I was mad at that point but happy that I already defeated him, but when I look back, he was there again with the minions and we couldn't go inside the castle thing. Has anyone had this problem? Please kingsisle, fix this because that dungeon takes forever and is wasting my time.
I've had the same problem I spent 5 hours on the first 2 parts of darkmoor and the quest did a glitch on me and when I defeated Shane Von Shane He appeared again and I didn't get to turn in the quest or get my spell Kingsisle Please Try to fix this issue Thanks, Brandon StormCaster Level 100
It looks like both of you are talking about separate issues on separate bosses.
Could you please provide more information, starting with the list below:
How often does this bug seem to happen? (Once/Sometimes/Often/Every time) If you were in a group or playing with others, how many? Were you the only one to experience this issue? Can you reproduce this bug?
The issue I had was on my quest book it said discover spirit of darkmoor even after defeating Shane Von Shane and when we did defeat him he Appeared again and the quest never changed and I didn't get my spell thank you Brandon storm caster lvl100
I was with 4 people in that run all of us but 1 was able to turn in there quest and get the level 100 spell
I am going for another run soon hopefully it changes? Brandon StormCaster Level100
Just Did the run and it gave me the same issue so I am guessing it is a bug for some wizards only because other people have the spell but there's some of us who can't seem to get it because of the bug. BrandonStormCaster Level100
The issue I had was on my quest book it said discover spirit of darkmoor even after defeating Shane Von Shane and when we did defeat him he Appeared again and the quest never changed and I didn't get my spell thank you Brandon storm caster lvl100
I was with 4 people in that run all of us but 1 was able to turn in there quest and get the level 100 spell
I am going for another run soon hopefully it changes? Brandon StormCaster Level100
Just Did the run and it gave me the same issue so I am guessing it is a bug for some wizards only because other people have the spell but there's some of us who can't seem to get it because of the bug. BrandonStormCaster Level100
ME TOO! plz help me! i have the same problem! can you PLZ fix the bug! PLZ! i am a fire lvl 100 Blaze Skull