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Darkmoor Malistaire Glitch

Jun 12, 2013
so i had been fighting the malistaire dungeon for 3.5 hours and at the end when we killed malistaire the second time he came back, i had low health and a dot spell went unnoticed by me and my friends, we ended up killing him (he only came back with 100 health) but the dot spell killed me and my friends killed him before i could be healed, why did this happen as i got no drops?

If you were defeated when the boss was defeated, you will not receive any drops. This is normal.

Jun 12, 2013
i know but i'm asking why he came back for a second time, after we defeated him twice, he came back once again

Feb 11, 2010
Did you have a sanctuary up when he was defeated the second time? If so, in my experience, this causes him to come back a third time with 100-300 health.

~Emma Dreamweaver, Exalted

Apr 21, 2011
eekayuha on Mar 31, 2015 wrote:
i know but i'm asking why he came back for a second time, after we defeated him twice, he came back once again
the first time he died his health may have been real low and he comes back on his own into shadow form
after you kill him in shadow form he comes back again with like 100 health
I guess this is because he never really died the first time he came back on his own idk not sure