This is 10BALL1 (Login Username) and Joshua Shadowrider (Player Username). My deck has had some issues lately. I came from a Conjuers Deck that had 25 Spells to a Astute Conjuers deck that has 30 Spells that I got at marleybone. In my deck are my 30 Spells, then for the 16 Spaces I have 6 Strike Spells that come with your Wand and an Ambulet Fire Elf Spell, just one. And I have treasure cards In the 10 spaces but only 8 treasure cards. So heres the problem: When I get into a Fight, all itshowes is the strike and fire elf spells. When I am done with all of them, nothing showes up. exept for the red card that says 7/7 Spells or in that case 0/7 Spells. When I have all my Strike Spells when I draw for a treasure card it doesn't trade them the Strike just dissapears. And of course when I pass the Spells just stay right there. It dont show my 30 Spells at all. How can we solve this problem?
This is driving me CRAZY!! Please help me because I cannot fight anybody with just strikes that come with your wand!
Wizard101 Info Did not Respond so I am relying on some Nice Helpful people.