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Deck setup

Oct 03, 2010
I am a level 76 myth wizard working in the Wild of Avalon and I am finding that I need the help of henchmen a lot. Can anyone help me with a good deck setup and some good myth gear for my level. I've tried getting the waterworks gear like 20 times so I gave up on that. If anyone knows any wands athames amulets rings or decks that might help me out that would be great. Thanks for the help.

Jul 03, 2010
Michael Redfist on Jul 21, 2013 wrote:
I am a level 76 myth wizard working in the Wild of Avalon and I am finding that I need the help of henchmen a lot. Can anyone help me with a good deck setup and some good myth gear for my level. I've tried getting the waterworks gear like 20 times so I gave up on that. If anyone knows any wands athames amulets rings or decks that might help me out that would be great. Thanks for the help.
My Myth had the level 56 gear crafted from Wintertusk because I just could not take the agony of "do not Collect" in WW any more. As much fun as crafting is not now, I did manage to get one wizard past the Seal of the Seven Seas, to use as my crafting wizard. The boots in these sets should be compared to lvl 58 ones to see which is better.

Amulets, rings and athames, I used drops if they were better then what I got at the Bazaar. Some times I ended up with rings or athames lvl 56/58 because they were actually better then higher stuff.

We visited the M4H site for help on higher level deck set ups - http://wizard.mercenaries101.com/mob-strategy/

Altho this is for group play set up you can tailor it for solo. I have found it handy to do the math on how much damage is needed for the area monsters and keep my deck to that amount. I can only say I used a lot of Frogs - for 4 pips you can just spam them all over the place.