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Delay in Fishing

May 07, 2013
There seems to be WAY to much delay in the time you cast charm fish and until you can actually CAST to catch the fish you just "charmed" into range!
Also, it seems to be taking MUCH LONGER to get your fish "in" from the time you actually catch them until re-cast ...
PLEASE KI address these timing issues if possible!

Apr 12, 2011
I totally agree. And the charm getting the fish to us, the time they stay in the area, is like half the amount of time it took to get them there.

You are Lucky to get to catch two fish.

Not to mention, that when you use slow or sleep, the amount of time you have to catch the fish after you charmed them to come to you, then slow them...
cast to catch reel it in... Wow by the time you caught two fish.... they all swam away.

It is not worth buying the spells or the amount of energy used.

Best just chase and hook.

It is faster and even if it takes time to run after them, you still have enough energy to catch like 10 fish in less time then if you used charms.

So I do agree, if charms are used, the amount of time that they last should be about 5 times longer then it currently is, so more then 2 fish can be caught.

Sophia Dragonheart

Sep 01, 2009
Agree 100%. I've gone through so much energy using the charm spell, only to have the fish zip up to me for less than 3 seconds, and I can't cast a lure. When I finally can cast, they're gone, and I have to do it all over again. Perhaps this is a bug; I hope so, because it's next to impossible to work around that lag.

Nov 28, 2010
I noticed this as well last night. I was only fishing in Dragonspyre so I don't know if it's just there or everywhere. The delays and lag weren't near as bad in the test realm as it is live.

Charm fish takes forever to end. By the time the spell stops, the fish that made it to you are already swimming away. Many of them are too far away to catch before you can start casting spells again.

Putting them to sleep, similar issue. They don't stop moving completely, and some of the ones that hadn't swam far enough away after you charmed them have gotten far enough away that you can't reach them by the time the spell ends.

Reveal Fish School is lagging bad too. The delay is limiting the time you have to see the schools.

I know Reveal Fish School was changed a while back to allow you to scare fish away without ending the spell's effects of showing the schools. However I think it would be a good idea to add an option to stop the spell part way through. Many of these fish in Dragonspyre swim too fast, and they swim away from the ledges more often than they swim closer. By the time the spell effects end, again fish you're trying to catch again have swam out of casting range.

A lot of these spell duration issues aren't a problem anywhere but Dragonspyre. Usually having the spells last a little longer is preferred. But it doesn't work as well when you're trapped on ledges with minimal opportunity to get closer to fish once you find the ones you're looking for.

The areas in particular where I was experiencing this the worst were The Plaza of Conqeusts and The Crucible. I had a problem in the Labyrinth too where Charm Fish wasn't grabbing the attention of very many fish until I cast a Winnow a spell. I don't know if that spell has a maximum number of fish it affects. If so, there really is no need for the spell to last as long as it does in other areas when it's having no effect.