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deleted friend

Nov 11, 2009
Help! Deleted my friend on accident. They are offline now. How do i be friends with them again?

Aug 15, 2009
if you private messaged them and they are the last one that you private messaged then you can just hit the r key and it will bring up their name to allow you to private message them. when it does this just click on their name and add as a friend again. if not the only thing i can suggest is to go to a meeting place/realm that you two were frequently at together and hope that they show up. or see if you two had any friends in common and then both meet up with them. good luck

Dec 14, 2009
chrstngal03 wrote:
or see if you two had any friends in common and then both meet up with them. good luck

Yes. This is what I was going to suggest too. Get a hold of a common friend and have them message the third person. You can reconnect that way.

If it is someone you know from outside the Spiral, you can always exchange new "true friend codes" with them.

Steven SkullHammer - Level 50 (Grandmaster Thaumaturge)
Steven SkullHammer - Level 33 (Magus Sorcerer)
Steven SkullHammer - Level 25 (Adept Theurgist)
Steven SkullHammer - Level 23 (Adept Pyromancer)
Steven SkullHammer - Level 15 (Journeyman Necromancer)
Steven SkullHammer - Level 15 (Journeyman Diviner)

Jul 07, 2010
Did you ever find this friend you deleted by accident? I am now going through the same situation, but my friend was not on line at the time that this happened. It has been 3 days since I last spoke to my friend and I have been trying to locate my wizard friend. So I am wondering if you ever found your friend or if you have any advice for me because I like you deleted my dear friend by total accident. TY sincerely Alura Winterblossom lvl 50 balance (searching for Matthew D lvl 50 Storm Wizard)