Difficulty with purchasing - Pay Pal and Credit Card
Why is it every time I make a purchase from Wizard101 my credit card puts a hold on my card until I contact them? I always go through Pay-Pal for the added layer of protection, but still I get a call from the "fraud control" section of my credit card. I tell them it is a valid purchase, they say they will note it on my account. Yet the next time I make a purchase it happens again. Generally it isn't a major problem, but today I was embarrassed while grocery shopping due to the hold on my card. I had to leave with no food and when I got home I saw a message on my answering machine from my credit card about false /fraud purchase. I had taken advantage of the crowns sale several hours before I ran out for groceries.. I understand on-line gaming can be a risk and abused, but is there anything I can do, or Wizard101 can do, to clear up such a 'fraud' reputation? I am sure I am not the only adult that has had this problem with purchases. Alric x 6
Re: Difficulty with purchasing - Pay Pal and Credit Card
AlricX6 on Mar 1, 2020 wrote:
Why is it every time I make a purchase from Wizard101 my credit card puts a hold on my card until I contact them? I always go through Pay-Pal for the added layer of protection, but still I get a call from the "fraud control" section of my credit card. I tell them it is a valid purchase, they say they will note it on my account. Yet the next time I make a purchase it happens again. Generally it isn't a major problem, but today I was embarrassed while grocery shopping due to the hold on my card. I had to leave with no food and when I got home I saw a message on my answering machine from my credit card about false /fraud purchase. I had taken advantage of the crowns sale several hours before I ran out for groceries.. I understand on-line gaming can be a risk and abused, but is there anything I can do, or Wizard101 can do, to clear up such a 'fraud' reputation? I am sure I am not the only adult that has had this problem with purchases. Alric x 6
What! I've heard about these false fraud issues, but it's affecting you in real life??? Wow.
Re: Difficulty with purchasing - Pay Pal and Credit Card
Please contact your credit card provider, as they may have extra security enabled on the card. If that all looks clear, then please contact our customer support team and we'll be happy to help investigate: https://www.wizard101.com/CustomerSupport/game