By buying my Training points back from Mr. Lincoln, Registrar, the Cloak a card, Astrall Spell deck is dissapeart
I never obtained that Cloak a card Astralll Spell deck from training points. It is NOT a Treasure card.
It is a spell that was in my spell book as a Astrall Spell deck, gained in the game, i thought by Arthur Wethersfield instructor of balance,idk it exact anymore.The instructor of Balance.
Is it normal that Astrall Cards disapeart from Spell Book too, from buying training points back
If not how can the Cloak a Card, Astrall Spell deck, putted back in the Spell deck again It is verry usefull in PvP, right
Pleas inform me
Greetings Armand the BiRdMaNsecret Arlen SpiritCatcher
By buying my Training points back from Mr. Lincoln, Registrar, the Cloak a card, Astrall Spell deck is dissapeart
I never obtained that Cloak a card Astralll Spell deck from training points. It is NOT a Treasure card.
It is a spell that was in my spell book as a Astrall Spell deck, gained in the game, i thought by Arthur Wethersfield instructor of balance,idk it exact anymore.The instructor of Balance.
Is it normal that Astrall Cards disapeart from Spell Book too, from buying training points back
If not how can the Cloak a Card, Astrall Spell deck, putted back in the Spell deck again It is verry usefull in PvP, right
Pleas inform me
Greetings Armand the BiRdMaNsecret Arlen SpiritCatcher
Found it back. In Unicorn way, Diego the Duelmaster, so the Astrall Spell Deckcome from his side of the Wizard city Game.
Well found it out myself, lolll, and it is to gain by Training points. That is why it disapeart
Greetings Armand the BiRdMaNsecret Arlen SpiritCatcher