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earn crowns button gone for good?

Sep 27, 2016
I have been clicking the earn crowns button multiple times a day for three days. i never had problems with it before, but lately it just wont load. i decided to go into the settings and turn the earn crowns option on and off to see if that would work, but it disappeared and i cant turn it back on. i went into the parental controls settings and it was already enabled. will i not be able to turn it back on again, or is there a way to do so?

Dec 09, 2008
vegetableblood on Oct 25, 2018 wrote:
I have been clicking the earn crowns button multiple times a day for three days. i never had problems with it before, but lately it just wont load. i decided to go into the settings and turn the earn crowns option on and off to see if that would work, but it disappeared and i cant turn it back on. i went into the parental controls settings and it was already enabled. will i not be able to turn it back on again, or is there a way to do so?
Is this for the video? Are you on Steam? It doesn't currently work with Steam accounts.

Sep 27, 2016
i am not on steam, and yes it is for the video. it worked until i changed the setting to try and get it to load again, but the option is hidden even though my parental controls have it set to where i can watch videos to earn crowns. im just wondering if it will ever show up again or if it will be hidden forever. thank you : )

Apr 15, 2012
I would also lik to know, as even though I haven't toggled the switch, nothing loads for me either

Dec 15, 2010
Sparck. on Oct 25, 2018 wrote:
Is this for the video? Are you on Steam? It doesn't currently work with Steam accounts.
What he is describing is something that I completely understand. You see, the "earn crowns" button in the top left-hand corner of the screen has an issue that has plagued it for a very long while now. Sometimes, even to this day, it may or may not load properly. At this point, I do not know why it is so unreliable.

When you click it, it may spin for a really long while. It may show the earn crowns button, but after you click it it will start to load again.

You have to be really desperate to use that thing because it almost never works.

I'm only describing my experience, though. For others it may work flawlessly, though, I highly doubt it.