k i know i am not the only person who has had a incredible amount of trouble and has spent a ridiculous amount of gold on getting nothing at all... i am not complaining as much i want to find a solution that doesnt change the entire way the game works.... i do enjoy rare things i try hard to keep my wizards very unique... but we NEED to find a way to effect the odds of getting a pet you want or a talent you want.
I have spent well over 200,000 gold (on my current project) and so has a SUPER AWESOME FRIEND (400,000 total now) trying to help me and we have not exchanged pets ONCE! in about 8 hatches! That is a bit silly if you ask me... maybe a crown elixer that says odds are you will get what you have, or what they have or a hybrid? at least SOMETHING to help, i mean i know you cant change the whole game around for a few people with bad luck but come on, fully luck based? and the odds are impossible to effect?!?
for example i have a storm hound with spell proof, pain giver, pip, and health gift... great pet yes? it sure is but know how much it cost me? close to a million gold if i add it all up, not to mention hours and hours of farming and hatching and waiting 24hrs to try again. Personally like i said i love a challenge (celestia was amazing, NOT hard, secret hard to get farmables also awesome fun) but this pet stuff is just insane! I have a job and can not LIVE in the game, i just cant, and this many hatches and this much gold for a pet that you NEED for pvp?
Spritely and at least spell proof are NEEDED in high level (as in good players, not level 50 and up) pvp now a days, all the best players have double resist and spritely and at least one other fun talents they choose, but since it is getting more and more rampent (these super pet kids have from living in the game 24/7) it makes it so you can not even compete with out a super pet! Now how do we even the odds? just be LUCKY?!?! thats crazy talk! i have 3 warlords and dont pvp at all anymore cause i dont down rank and refuse to get killed by kids who got lucky when i like my rank and points!
I hope everyone can be kind and come up with cool ideas to effect this with out changeing pets around much, i know KI can not just rebuild a whole part of the game, but i mean i read many threads and ideas on helping passing talents and i have had 2 pets hatch before that had almost all the same talents and didnt get one of them... it got talents NEITHER had... how does that happen? in real life when 2 parents have a kid the kid looks at least a little like both lol, 2 white people dont have a asian baby (no offense to anyone just making a point) lol - i am saying you BARELY have controle over the odds, even if you try to do it smart and fallow all the thread rules and do your research.
In the end i would say these are the main problems needed to be fixed: 1. way to luck based. we need a way to effect this even if it costs crowns. 2. you dont even get HALF the gold back you spent hatching when you sell a worthless pet (i can spend 35,000 and get 63 gold back... wow) -i'd duggest if you spent for example 30,000 you would get back 15,000 for selling a baby pet, 20,000 for the adult, 25,000 for ancient, and 28,000 for a epic - sometimes when you are hatching for perfection only one talent can make or break it, and thats a LOT of time and gold into these projects! yet it only works for a small percentage of the LUCKY players who are just killing everyone else cause they are lucky enough to get those awesome looks and telents 1st or second try... making it so no one wants to pvp anymore unless they get the right gear which can take ... who knows how long. 3. the pet games are SUPER boring and annoying now, no offense i had lots of fun with cannon game the first week... then after thousands of shots... kind of hate the game now lol, no offense like i said. How about a item we can attach say a amulet or a set of gear that has a XP share while we farm for more gold, or quest that gives a percentage of xp to our pet from us. I mean that would make helping people and strangers (to makes friends and help with kids getting along) since as you fight and quest you can help level your pet to epic instead of playing the SAME games over and over and over and over and over and over... get the picture? the games just get old, there are only 4 and only 2 are fast. people farm a LOT though, might as well help level pets while you do it. 4. pet mega snack packs are mega over priced, they dont effect the odds of getting anything good at all yet they are $5 a pop? id suggest making them about 250 crowns, now i know this sounds like a money hit but honestly i own a business so hear me out on the volume sales vs the high price sales: lets say there are a million players, no more then 25% of them could be actually buying those (if they are i feel bad they are getting ripped a little, they dont help do anything but get rid of the annoying pet games faster) But that would be $5 x 250,000 = $1,250,000 not to shabby really! BUT if you made them cheaper, like 250crowns (deffinatly more reasonable considering there usablility) then to get out of playing those boring games a millionth time, i would guess at least 60-70% of players would buy those at the cheaper price, easy. I never spend crowns on anything i can farm, or levels since i have a sub, so i really never use them, no reason really, the legend gear with critical is now better then crown gear and who needs henchman when you are helpful and nice and make friends? i would EASILY spend $10 in crowns (instead of the 5) on mega snacks if i got LOTS of snacks to get rid of the pet games, i am so over them (personally and no offense they where fun once upon a time) but if you have even 30% of kids instead of 25% buying mega snacks but spending twice as much on getting LOTS to avoid the boring games, you would go from 1,250,000 to 10 x 300,000 giving you 3,000,000 in higher volume sales. I AM A PLAYER WHO WOULD LOVE TO SPEND MONEY ON THE GAME!! I have a son and a younger brother that play, and we never buy crowns anymore.... nothing to buy... we would get 60,000 crowns in a SECOND FLAT though if mega snacks where affordable and it got us away from gardening (which is a cool addition to get mega snacks but isnt so fun in itself in general, in my opinion, i perfer the fighting and questing in the game, that was sort of the origional point...) 5. no more waiting 24hours, it takes long enough to hope and pray you get what you want, then to have to wait a whole day to get nothing again? if its going to stay completely luck based at LEAST give us our gold back and let us role the dice a bunch of times in a row to get somthing we can actually use. not everyone can live in the game (some of us are unemployed or are young so they can live in wizard city but i have a job and my kids have school and bed times we cant live in wizard 101 though we play just about everyday.
but those are a few problems and a few solutions, i hope if anyone else has a idea they jump in, or back me up, the pet thing is just making the game grueling though... id rather be stuck on a HARD boss for a month till i got good enough to beat him vs play pet games a million times to get things i dont want, and hatch with millions of gold and hours of farming to get eggs i am selling for less then a percent of what i spent. When the game is challenging it is fun, when it is not controled by talent or skill or game play or anything but luck of the draw and SMALL ways to effect a small chance of getting a talent MAYBE... that kills your excitement about the game, and it kills it faster then anything else. I wouldnt mind seeing the hard oni fight come back, or having a malistair fight where he has 100,000 health and cheats (id perfer it personally i think KI has great ideas, its the players that ruin wiz101 honestly...) i can one hit 100,000 damage, kids can learn to also, so i dont care about that, yet it is catered too... can we please cater to a REAL problem, not one based on people who dont want to spend the time to just get good at the game? please :-(
I agree 100% mainly about the mega snacks being over priced. Maybe the price of hatching could be lowered to 10,000? Or maybe a potion that lets you hatch again instead of having to wait 24 hours.
Wrong forum. This has nothing to do with game bugs. It's an idea and belongs in the Dorms forum. It might also go in the Pets forum. Perhaps one of the professors will move it to one of those two places.
oh thanks for the heads up, i am new to posting threads so maybe miss placed it. i do hope KI gets a chance to look at it though, i would love to help the game run smoother and help them make a little more too like a win win for them and the players.