This is a problem I've been dealing with for a while. Sometime ago, I wanted to check out what the power of Mutate Kraken, and Mutate Wyvern would be like before deciding to get the actual spells. So I got the TC versions of these Enchants on my Death Wizard and enchanted a Kraken and Wyvern spell I had (I found out both enchants make the spells deal the same damage, still got the spells). Anyway, I used both spells to see their animations and effects. I believe something happened on my machine and created a glitch with these spells because after using both spells, the Treasure Cards did not disappear, but for whatever reasons are glued to my player.
I can't use them because when I try to put them in my sideboard, they appear gray and when I refresh the page, they leave the sideboard. I can't sell them because they're enchanted. And when I try to destroy them, they disappear but then when I return to the TC page, there they are again. It's been bugging me for awhile. They are taking up space and I would really appreciate anyway of getting rid of these spells on my Wizard. Is there any way to remove these spells or has the Sun school cursed me for eternity?