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Error 108

Jan 09, 2011
Dear game developers Wizard ... explain please, why in certain times of day, ever have a problem with the server "Connection Lost" or error!
Thanks again for your attention, and hopefully get an answer. Thank you!

Mar 28, 2010
sun4677 wrote:
Dear game developers Wizard ... explain please, why in certain times of day, ever have a problem with the server "Connection Lost" or error!
Thanks again for your attention, and hopefully get an answer. Thank you!

Well, at certain times of the day, servers may get clogged since more people are trying to log on. For example, young people playing W101 won't be able to log on during school, and when they get home though, there may be a significant change on users online since many people just got home from school and are trying to log on. I know it's probably not the answer you were hoping for, and I'm not a game developer, but I hope it helped anyways. :P

~Allison Dawnblood, Level 60 Diviner

May 20, 2010
This happens to everybody, especially during busy times (about 4 pm to midnight Eastern time, most of the day Saturday and Sunday) . It's either a network-load or a server-load issue. You might improve your chances of avoiding this by logging onto a "Perfect" or "Normal" world. The staff is undoubtedly aware of this, and they're probably working on ways to improve things.