I cast the cleanse ward on a friend 3 times in a row to remove a trap placed on her. Each time it failed to remove it. There was no other trap on her but that one.
Since the upgrade of CL, I am not sure if there is a new spell that blocks it or its a bug that has come along. Could someone from admin please let me know before I contact tech support? I do not wish to waste their time if it is some new spell that I am not aware of.
I cast the cleanse ward on a friend 3 times in a row to remove a trap placed on her. Each time it failed to remove it. There was no other trap on her but that one.
Since the upgrade of CL, I am not sure if there is a new spell that blocks it or its a bug that has come along. Could someone from admin please let me know before I contact tech support? I do not wish to waste their time if it is some new spell that I am not aware of.
Thanks. Suri Spiritrider
I thought that cleanse ward removed shields, and cleanse charm removed traps and blades.
cleanse doesn't work on traps, it works on curses Cleanse ward removes all traps and curses.
I thought that cleanse ward removed shields, and cleanse charm removed traps and blades. Pierce removes shiels and earthquake removes shields and blades. Myth cannot remove blades without the use of earthquake.
I've seen this complaint before. You might want to send in a ticket to Support. Thanks. I will keep an eye on it for now. If it continues I will contact them since it seems random.