Last night I overheard a conversation , that could have been quite innocent , but as a mom, I tend to be a little protective. The conversation that was taking place , in public , I dont think they knew I was there at the time , One wizard was asking, kinda pressuring too the other wizard for where they lived , what was there real name , and was using some ways to get around chat filters. When the one wizard could not type his location of where he lived , the other one started mentioning states and asking him for yes or no answers , when he/she did ask the wizard for real name, I did file the report. These reports must appear on the persons screen , because he/she approached me immediately and questioned me about it . They claimed to be a mod to the other wizard , said they help with the game and they could not get banned. I did not see the badge under their name , and they slipped off to another area before I could get them to display it. What I would like to know , is it common practice for mods to ask for such personal information ? If so , it shouldnt be . If this person can not in fact get banned , how can I get in touch with the person who is in charge of the in game mods ? If in fact it is true that this person is a mod , I would still like someone to check out that convo , and maybe have a nice long chat with their staff. I have written down the wizards name , but dont know if I should or whom I would email it too . I dont want to post it publically since other wizards out there might share the same name, and maybe it was innocent.
Every single player age 13+ is a moderator. We’ve given our players the ability to report inappropriate chat or behavior, and we encourage you to act responsibly and use this tool.
To report someone, just click on them in the game or their name in the chat window. The Friends panel will appear and the REPORT option will be available. Click the REPORT button and briefly explain the nature of the report.
Each and every report is read by a real person, and acted upon accordingly. Egregious or repeated violations of the Terms of Use will result in a permanent account ban and deletion of the characters.
False reports are also not tolerated, and can result in sanctions against the players making the false reports.
We put the power of moderation in the hands of our players; you can make a difference in Wizard101.
KingsIsle Entertainment employees will NEVER ask for personal information, and all KI employees have a unique badge that says "KingsIsle Support". If someone claiming to be a KingsIsle Employee cannot or will not show you this badge, report them immediately and they will be permanently banned from playing the game.
If you want the prize, you have to build the ladder rung by rung. There are no shortcuts.
You did the right thing by reporting this, absolutely.
There are real dangers online, and unfortunately, this game is not immune. Requesting or providing any personal contact information is a ban offense and something KI takes very seriously.
I understand from reading a thread that ZEKE posted on that they will alert the authorities if they feel it's appropriate to the situation, and for that, KI, I salute you. This is one of the main reasons I suggest this game to everyone I meet - KI takes player safety seriously.
Well that, and this is one of the best games I've ever played.