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Find My Crates/Barrels/Mummies/Cages Quests

Jan 17, 2012
I find that whenever I do one of these quests, I follow the quest arrow, and it points me to the nearest one. I grab that one, and the quest arrow then points me to the next nearest one. I grab that one and the quest arrow points me back to the first, which is no longer there, simply because it would be nearest, if it were there, which it isn't.

Could there be some way for the quest arrow not to see items that have already been taken until such time as they reappear?

May 20, 2010
That would probably be tough to program. It already has the ability to remember the last one you took. Making it remember multiples would require a whole different program.

Instead, you can speed up the process by simply changing realms (servers). The item you just took from the previous realm will be there waiting for you on the new realm, unless somebody else just collected it.

In any case, the quest collection items usually respawn in less than a minute.

Jan 17, 2012
I don't see where it would be a programming problem. They obviously have the ability to make objects you have already found both invisible and insubstantial (meaning you can't see them and can walk through them). Simply make them unfindable as well.