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Fire Lion and Staff quest zafaria

Jun 03, 2009
Here is my beef with this quest in Zafaria.
I'm trying to get the guilds staff from the fire lions there in the savana. I bet I killed at keast 40 PLUS fire lions been at this quest for more time then I ever did any other quest. Thats NOT just today I killed about 30 last time and I still need two more pieces of that stupid staff now i ben sitting here on this game for about 3 and half hours once again after those needed pieces still they will not give it up I'm SO DISGUSTED in this quest I spend a lot of real money to play this game to RELAX and enjoy it but NOT this it is ANNOYING as all get out!!! I want this fixed and not just for me for ALL players in the game. Get to work KI and make the game we all love fun again.