Can my fire minion please learn the following spells. Every minion seems to be better then ours. Its not fair. The following spells - Link , Sunbird , Heckhound would be nice. Fire elf , fire shield , fire trap , fire blade and fire cat is not a lot for a minion. Idc about heckhound. But the ice minion uses storm shark .
/agree The Fire Minion does seem a bit lacking given that it only uses the mentioned spells and other monions can use 3 pip spells and do more DPR (Damage Per Round).
Maybe there could be an option to have different Minion cards that have a focus such as only targets the lowest life enemy each round, or only casts buffs and traps. Balance is key but there has to be a better way to work with the minions.
Actually, the storm minion does cast one damaging spell. That spell is Ghoul and he casts it usually after about 8-10 rounds of combat. He then will cast it about every 5th round or so thereafter.
lol you guys complaining bout the fire or storm lol all myth has are minions and higher lvls the only one with decent Hp is useless in PvP lol he might at best taunt an enemy to death, yes i am talking bout the minotaur lol
I used my fire minion once and he will never see the lght of day again.
I thought he could help me. The only time I died as a fire wizard was when I was using my minion. Never ever use your minion if you are fighting a fire boss. because of the fire elf any convert shields are wasted.
I have an ice minion and at least he has some other school spells like frie elf and storm shark.
So why is fire so bad. The elf is only 2 pips. To me that is a waste. Of good pips.
I used my fire minion once and he will never see the lght of day again.
I thought he could help me. The only time I died as a fire wizard was when I was using my minion. Never ever use your minion if you are fighting a fire boss. because of the fire elf any convert shields are wasted.
I have an ice minion and at least he has some other school spells like frie elf and storm shark.
So why is fire so bad. The elf is only 2 pips. To me that is a waste. Of good pips.
I use my minion a great deal. He is difficult to work with, especially with a fire boss.
I was hoping some moderator would answer the question, why is the fire minion so awful? Why doesn't it know more spells? Why is there no way to train it? Why can't I direct it? Why , why, why.....
Can my fire minion please learn the following spells. Every minion seems to be better then ours. Its not fair. The following spells - Link , Sunbird , Heckhound would be nice. Fire elf , fire shield , fire trap , fire blade and fire cat is not a lot for a minion. Idc about heckhound. But the ice minion uses storm shark .
I have also complained about this. My minion not stop uses Fire Elf. CONSTANTLY. I cannot take it. If he was able to use Sunbird and maybe Lightning Bats. That would make him way better. WAY BETTER.
Heavier damage classes get lighter damage minions to compensate. The storm minion does no damage at all.
Not true; mine casts Ghoul when it gets a little low on health.
But, yes, Storm's minion is there to be a damage sponge. Think of it less as a 'minion' and more as a damage absorb. Would you think a zero-cost 700+ damage shield was a good card? Life's 400 absorb costs 3...
Minions are there to augment, not be another copy of you. Know their role.
re: Fire minion vs. fire bosses. When going against a like-schooled foe, you have to reconfigure your deck a little by reducing your like-damage some and adding converts and an alternate school's damage. In the case of fire, the minion should probably go. (But a Storm minion would still work the same against a storm boss. :-))
I use my minon a lot in pvp and all it uses is fire elf. Its not that bad when it stacks like 3 elfs at once but it might be more fun if it used something like a sunbird or something.
Can the ice minion please learn like a blizzard i would love thet or be able to heal me and i have the spell to sacrifice him but i dont want to do that.
I agree as I am also fire and I am really :( and :x because mine only casts fire cat (once every 5 battles), fire elf (all the time), fire trap (as his first spell in the battle) and fireblade. My sister is in balance and her minion is really good. I want fire minions to do better spells as I am fighting fairly high level things now (rank 6 boss to rank 7 boss) and need a bit more damage doing.
Minions are also supposed to be helpful but the fire isn't as it does the first spells fire wizards get. Anyway, if you see me on the game PLEASE make friends with me. I am AmberLedgendBlade and can go in Wizard City, Krokotopia, Grizzelheim, MarleyBone and Moo Shu.
Can my fire minion please learn the following spells. Every minion seems to be better then ours. Its not fair. The following spells - Link , Sunbird , Heckhound would be nice. Fire elf , fire shield , fire trap , fire blade and fire cat is not a lot for a minion. Idc about heckhound. But the ice minion uses storm shark .
i disagree. i mean now if they change that fire will be like the most powerful! and besides, the ice minion uses only a strong spell and a weak spell. though i only saw the ice guardian cast this:
ghoul storm shark fire elf and frost beetle but heckhound and link are spells for magus and the rest of the other minion's spells are for noobs. it wont be really fair.
I agree as I am also fire and I am really :( and :x because mine only casts fire cat (once every 5 battles), fire elf (all the time), fire trap (as his first spell in the battle) and fireblade. My sister is in balance and her minion is really good. I want fire minions to do better spells as I am fighting fairly high level things now (rank 6 boss to rank 7 boss) and need a bit more damage doing.
Minions are also supposed to be helpful but the fire isn't as it does the first spells fire wizards get. Anyway, if you see me on the game PLEASE make friends with me. I am AmberLedgendBlade and can go in Wizard City, Krokotopia, Grizzelheim, MarleyBone and Moo Shu.
Thanks! Magico2579 A.K.A AmberLedgendBlade
It COULD be good if he learned more spells, but he's fine imo. I always try to use flash (minion's name) when I can. Sure he can only cast fireblade, fire trap, fire shield, fire cat and fire elf, but you need to try to look at what makes the minion special.
Yesterday, I used him a ton when fighting those annoying undead draconians (side quest from darkstone, first part has you defeat 15 of them), and when I timed his summoning right, the enemy in the key position would attack him, so he helped take off some of the damage I might have taken.
I agree it's not always a good idea to use him in fire boss fights, as depending on the boss, his elf's DoT will do only 2 dmg. without a blade or trap, but he does try to help out nonetheless.
Magico2579: fire trap is not always the first spell he casts, as I have seen him cast quite a bit of fire cats recently, along with some of the other 0-pip spells like fire shield.
Fire minion casts, fire trap fire blade fire shield and fire elf Ice: rare ice beetle, Fire elf, storm bats, and Storm shark Life: Imp, guidance (healing boast), fairy, sprite, (rare) unicorn and (very rare) saytr. Myth 1: all rank 1 attacks and natural Troll: Natural, troll, cyclops, blood bat, myth blade, myth trap. Cyclops: same as troll but storm sahrk sun bird and sprite Minotaur: similar to storm minion Storm minion: elemental shields, taunt (all), absorb, and ghoul. Death: depends on pips Balance mander: balance blade, hex, donate, sandstorm (rare) locus swarm (rare ish) and scorpian (i think) Balance elemental: fire (same), ice- ice blade and other things idk, storm -idk but attacks too all these go with their school as best as possible, or close. Storm has low health so it needs a distraction. Myth needs help fighting/distraction sometimes. Ice weak attacks. Life minion healing so that you can focus on attacking. Balance helps prep for hydra etc. and attacks and keeps shields off enemy. Fire keeps shields off enemies.
it is true i buyed a fire minion and tha only thing it did was fire elf again and again and it goes on and im a fire wizard (pyromancer) in lvl 25 and i was dissapointed :( :( when i saw the minion i dont know if i want the minion so much i prefer the life minion a lot it is a dissapointment :( :(
Fire minion casts, fire trap fire blade fire shield and fire elf Ice: rare ice beetle, Fire elf, storm bats, and Storm shark Life: Imp, guidance (healing boast), fairy, sprite, (rare) unicorn and (very rare) saytr. Myth 1: all rank 1 attacks and natural Troll: Natural, troll, cyclops, blood bat, myth blade, myth trap. Cyclops: same as troll but storm sahrk sun bird and sprite Minotaur: similar to storm minion Storm minion: elemental shields, taunt (all), absorb, and ghoul. Death: depends on pips Balance mander: balance blade, hex, donate, sandstorm (rare) locus swarm (rare ish) and scorpian (i think) Balance elemental: fire (same), ice- ice blade and other things idk, storm -idk but attacks too all these go with their school as best as possible, or close. Storm has low health so it needs a distraction. Myth needs help fighting/distraction sometimes. Ice weak attacks. Life minion healing so that you can focus on attacking. Balance helps prep for hydra etc. and attacks and keeps shields off enemy. Fire keeps shields off enemies.
All school minions are fine as they are
yes they are. now lets just put this topic which was started in january 2009 to a rest
Fire minion casts, fire trap fire blade fire shield and fire elf Ice: rare ice beetle, Fire elf, storm bats, and Storm shark Life: Imp, guidance (healing boast), fairy, sprite, (rare) unicorn and (very rare) saytr. Myth 1: all rank 1 attacks and natural Troll: Natural, troll, cyclops, blood bat, myth blade, myth trap. Cyclops: same as troll but storm sahrk sun bird and sprite Minotaur: similar to storm minion Storm minion: elemental shields, taunt (all), absorb, and ghoul. Death: depends on pips Balance mander: balance blade, hex, donate, sandstorm (rare) locus swarm (rare ish) and scorpian (i think) Balance elemental: fire (same), ice- ice blade and other things idk, storm -idk but attacks too all these go with their school as best as possible, or close. Storm has low health so it needs a distraction. Myth needs help fighting/distraction sometimes. Ice weak attacks. Life minion healing so that you can focus on attacking. Balance helps prep for hydra etc. and attacks and keeps shields off enemy. Fire keeps shields off enemies.
All school minions are fine as they are
why are the myth one so good they have 4 choices of guys to pick!!! and why does the CYCLOPES get to use sunbird a FIRE spell while a fire minion cant? it doesnt make sense!!
I think balance manders are the best if you want to do high hit because it blades and donates pips and its usefull for defence it use spirite and elmental sheild and weaken but fire minions suck they should have a sunbird at least Also,minions are good with one vs one battles with high health like cyrus drake though he dosn't have high health I would use a mander if you dont want it use up traps and need blades and defences it does everything but attack it's verry rare when it does Death minion is good to
I've played around with Minions from all of the schools, and I've come to this conclusion: Minions are worthless. In fact, they are worse than worthless. They actually help the enemy!
The point of a battle is to kill the enemy. You must have pips to damage the enemy. So, take your normal Elemental minion. Cost: 3 pips. For a mid-level wizard, this will take 2-3 rounds to accumulate. In that time, you can cast a blade and a trap for free.
Ok, so now you have a blade, a trapped enemy - AND NO PIPS! Why? Because you called a minion.
So, you wait for your pips to accumulate again. In the meantime, your minion has cast a weak spell and wasted your trap. By the time you get back up to 3 pips (good for a Storm Shark or a Sunbird), each of the enemies has had time to cast 5 or 6 pips worth of damage.
On the other hand, you could have just killed one of the enemies (instead of casting the Minion) and reduced the damage that you are taking.
Minions are a fun curiousity, but any good player will skip summoning them and go for the kill. And, if you summon one during team battle, you better make sure that your friends don't mind. Otherwise, you might find yourself removed from their friends list after a couple of long, painful battles.