Okay well, Fire's pip chance is really low! Its like in the 60's I think. :( I have 72 pip chance due to my pet with Pips O Plenty. And our pip chance wasnt that low until the Legendary Athames and Rings came out, and please dont say: "Well if they give you low pip chance then you shouldnt wear them" But other then the pip chance, the stats are REALLY good! Its just not fair that our pip chance is in the 60's while some are in the 100's.
So KI can you please make the pip chance high for Fire? At least around the 80's, I remember my pip chance was like 84.
OR is this just Fire's problem? Like how Storm has low accuracy, and Ice has low attack? If it is, they should really mention it.
KI forces you to make those types of decisions. Very few equipment come with great stats for ALL categories. You usually have to decide if you want more pip chance at a sacrifice of damage or something similar.
However, if your complaint is that you want more pip chance and there are no clothes that offer it at legendary, that is different. But I don't think Fire has that problem at 60, could be wrong though.
Your Ice and Storm scenario is a slightly different. Their issues (weaknesses) are applied directly to the spells themselves. In other words, most storm spells are in the 70% accuracy area, Ice spells normally hit the lowest of other schools same level spells. Those schools use gear to offset the weakness OR increase the benefits their spells give them (rarely can they get both). Pips are like healing boosts, since they have nothing to do with the spell inventory itself, but only the effects. However, there might be some schools with higher base pip percentage than others.
Those same schools that are in 100's for pip chance (like Balance) are (should be) sacrificing in other areas (healing, attack, resists, etc) than your Fire gear.
I agree! The gear you get after 60 is a choice. If you are an elemental you get accuracy and if you are spirit, including balance) than you get pip chance. It would be fair if one were lower than the other but for each side.
But if you are death or life or balance, you can have all your lvl 60 gear you will recieve zero accaracy. And the only why to get more pip chance as a elemental is to have the right athames and rings.
A well hatched pet can help but honestly shouldnt the new gear have a little more balance? You dont have to over power them to create that.
I would just like gear that compliments my school spells rather than hinders my fight. I cant win them all but i would rather loose based on skill rather than circumstance.
The decreased pip chance is in exchange for increased power. However, with the new gear, fire gets better accuracy than most of the schools with higher pip chances. -eli and crew
Yeah fire power pip chance is really low. I only have 75% power pip chance, and i'm Legendary, with level 58+ gear! William Crowthistle Legendary Pyromancer 8)
It's all about give and take. If you want super stats for one thing, you have to give something up for another. Otherwise, we might as well have equipment that gives us a auto-defeat-all-enemies spell.
I have a level 60 fire, with a 74 pip chance and my pet doesnt have pip o pleanty. do you have your legendary gear from waterworks? If not i reccomend you get it, Not only does is help your pips it also rasies your defence and other stats
maybe it is something about the negatives with your school i will try to make a fire character and make another school character and see the diffrence then i will report back as soon ad i am done with it bye!
Well it is said: Myth, Fire, Storm, and Ice get accuracy boosts and low poer pips. Life, Death, and Balance are the schools with outragious power pip chance but little to no acciracy boosts unlees you craft or buy with crowns. My legendary life alread has 96% power pip chance even without my legendary robe. I currently have the robe of rapture on.
rings and athames also can boost pip chance there are rings and athames the boost pip chance by 21 but then you lose out on the winter tusk drops that can have slightly less pip chance but increased block and damage or even heal boost rings or athames there are tons of choices fire has low pip chance as a trade off for its power and storm has become the same way at level 60 since its accurate now lol the other schools with perfect pip chance have low or moderate damage usually ice just gets messed up cause it doesn't have pip chance , perfect accuracy or damage but then again that's its trade off for defense although i think that's a little harsh.I have 6 legendary wizards and i know all their weaknesses by now only wiz i don't have is fire regretably. Besides if fire had perfect pip chance it would do 2k meteors every other turn and who wants that brokenness in pvp at a time like this.