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Fix my Fire Wizard!!!

Feb 04, 2009
OK here is the problem.
My fire dragon spell is affected by tower shield. I.E. my breath is affected of course that is a given. Now my problem is my DOT is also affected by the tower shield even tho my breath dropped it. This should not be the case.

Here is my argument.

Ice Angel is same type of spell. I have tower up and its initial damage is of course affected by the tower, but its DOT isn't. Same goes for the Death dragon spell.

Please either make mine have the same mechanics or change theirs.

Thank You in advance

Feb 16, 2009
No DOT will be actively affected by a Tower Shield unless a tower shield is up as the DOT comes into effect. There's nothing wrong with your Fire Dragon.

Unlike Snow Angel and Skeletal Dragon, Fire Dragon's DOT damage is less than the initial, so the bare bones minimum damage you can have with Fire Dragon is 117. If that seems like it's too low, increase your power, but there's most likely nothing wrong with Fire Dragon.

Feb 04, 2009
I'll check again but I'm sure when a tower is up and the person I hit doesn't have resist it only does half. TY for the response

Jan 01, 2010
I use Fire Dragon a lot. It is working fine.

The issue is that Fire Dragon's initial hit is about half the total of the spell. This differs from many of the other DoT spells which have a small initial burst to knock off the shield with the balance of the spell (say 90% of the power) being spread over time.

This makes Fire Dragon good and bad. It can be used as a strong attack spell and often will knock out a grou p of enemies in one shot. But it also makes blasting through a Tower Shield more costly.

Either way, it is one of my favorite level 48 spells!

Apr 18, 2010
morpheus2001 wrote:
I'll check again but I'm sure when a tower is up and the person I hit doesn't have resist it only does half. TY for the response

well sometimes there might be a weakness on you or you might not have the gear you think you have. idk what your talking about cuz i use fire drag all the time when people have towers or shields and the damage over time isnt effected