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May 19, 2012
I just recently started playing this game and I have to say the game itself is awesome and I love the way it's set up, but I'm having a real problem with spells fizzling as often as they do. I made a storm wizard, and the damage spells say they have a seventy percent rate of accuracy for casting, but I'm finding it to be closer to a seventy percent fizzle rate, especially on my bigger spells. Something is very wrong with this picture. If the accuracy rate is lower then it should state a lower accuracy rate on the spell.

These damage spells take three to four pips to cast, and by the time I am able to cast them I've taken a lot of damage, and I really need these spells to go off. I really think this needs to be addressed.

In addition to that, the minion continuously spams heals on himself even when he's not taking damage. I'm standing there with literally 100 health and in need of heals, and he's standing there healing himself when he hasn't even taunted yet. I think until he has cast that first taunt, his heals should not go to himself but to another party member who needs it, since he's not taking damage anyways.

If it weren't for the frustration these issues cause, I would actually be totally enjoying this game. Please, please, do something about this. I can't play like this, and I probably won't renew my subscription again in July if it hasn't been fixed. If I can't enjoy the game there is no point paying to play. As I stated, the actual game setup is awesome, but the fizzle rate is just too horrendous to really get to enjoy the game to it's fullest.

Feb 25, 2009
Fiziali, everything you are seeing is a normal characteristic for Storm wizards. It takes time and patience to level this school to be very powerful wizard. Storm does fizz a lot in the early levels but as you get that wizard moving and start gaining a few power pips, they will start to fizz a little less. I currently have a level 48 storm that took a lot of patience to get her to that level. They will still fizz, but it will not be near what the early levels are.

As for the storm minion, this has been an on going battle. Storm minions are useless, but the community of wizards that agree with this have had no luck in getting them redesigned. I don't even use them and haven't since I discovered how useless they are. Most of the minions from other schools work fairly well other that the Spectral minion for Balance.

Don't give up on your storm wizard, but I would suggest that when you get frustrated with trying to level that one, create another one from another school to run on so that you will have a different approach. I currently have 9 between 2 accounts, and there are some members that have a lot more than that.

Just have fun in the spiral.

Apr 10, 2010
If you're talking about the minotaur minion, that's the exact reason my myth never used him. He'd occasionaly use taunt and then proceed to heal and shield himself while she was being beaten up. the cyclops minion worked much better.

As for other school's minions, I can't say my other wizards ever really have used theirs after seeing other wizards and theirs doing the same thing. Rarely attack, shield themselves and let their "master" be defeated.

Others may have had more luck than I have.

Nov 26, 2011
hey bro i feel you. i'm a level 70 storm wizard and lemme tell you it doesnt get any better. soon you'll get a blade that will help you not fizzle but for the most part expect to fizzle alot. also to get your life up check the bazaar constantly for new gear. really you just need to take the minion guy out of your deck. i soon realized it was a waste of pips. use a storm shark instead.
Best of luck
Connor Griffin Stalker
Lvl 70
See ya in the spirial

Feb 25, 2009
keelingclay wrote:
hey bro i feel you. i'm a level 70 storm wizard and lemme tell you it doesnt get any better. soon you'll get a blade that will help you not fizzle but for the most part expect to fizzle alot. also to get your life up check the bazaar constantly for new gear. really you just need to take the minion guy out of your deck. i soon realized it was a waste of pips. use a storm shark instead.
Best of luck
Connor Griffin Stalker
Lvl 70
See ya in the spirial

I'm sorry, but I disagree with you on this. My level 48 storm does NOT fizzle near as much as she did as a young wizard.

If yours is not any better about fizzling now than as a young wizard, you may want to check your accuracy stats.

Feb 07, 2011
fiziali wrote:
I just recently started playing this game and I have to say the game itself is awesome and I love the way it's set up, but I'm having a real problem with spells fizzling as often as they do. I made a storm wizard, and the damage spells say they have a seventy percent rate of accuracy for casting, but I'm finding it to be closer to a seventy percent fizzle rate, especially on my bigger spells. Something is very wrong with this picture. If the accuracy rate is lower then it should state a lower accuracy rate on the spell.

I feel your pain. I have a level 44 Storm wiz, and we have the worst base accuracy in-game... meaning that we fizzle more than anyone else. But don't worry- with gear-boosts (which you can get, as you level up) and your Precision spell (which you get at level 11, or thereabouts), you can raise it.

That all said, Storm also outhits all other schools- my diviner has posted numbers at level 20 that my level 80 Balance wiz can only dream of. Kinda makes up for our otherwise-horrible stats, but we'd be very overpowered if our accuracy was perfect, too.

fiziali wrote:
These damage spells take three to four pips to cast, and by the time I am able to cast them I've taken a lot of damage, and I really need these spells to go off. I really think this needs to be addressed.

I always take a friend with me, when I can, or I buy a henchman (if things get really desperate and I don't feel like doing the same tower 80 times). Because we're prepared (in other words, I know that she'll die quickly), I've packed her deck with Sprite, Pixie, and Spirit Armour, as well as filled the sideboard with low-pip heals.

fiziali wrote:
In addition to that, the minion continuously spams heals on himself even when he's not taking damage. I'm standing there with literally 100 health and in need of heals, and he's standing there healing himself when he hasn't even taunted yet. I think until he has cast that first taunt, his heals should not go to himself but to another party member who needs it, since he's not taking damage anyways.

I agree... my Balance wizard's elemental minion, which can take that form as well, likes to buff himself, instead of players. Knowing that, he never made it into my Storm wizard's deck- he's taking up valuable space that you could be using for heals.

If you plan to keep him in, go to Digmoore Station (in Marleybone) and visit the secret room behind Mayor Pimsbury. For free, Croaky will give you a spell that allows you to sacrifice your minion for health... as a Storm wizard, you have super-low health, so it's worth your while.

fiziali wrote:
If it weren't for the frustration these issues cause, I would actually be totally enjoying this game. Please, please, do something about this. I can't play like this, and I probably won't renew my subscription again in July if it hasn't been fixed. If I can't enjoy the game there is no point paying to play. As I stated, the actual game setup is awesome, but the fizzle rate is just too horrendous to really get to enjoy the game to it's fullest.

Just keep leveling up, and it will get easier (by level 50, your accuracy will be around 94%, with the right gear). If you don't like your school, just make another wizard- you can have up to 6 on your account; which school is best for you depends on your play-style. I've done all 7, so I'll outline them briefly for you below (with my wizards'levels, too):

STORM (44) is the go-big-or-go-home school. Yes, you'll fizzle a lot through the lower levels, but you can benefit from gear-boosts and a higher-than-average critical rating. That new one-in-a-million badge? It was practically made for you!

ICE (18) is the "tank" class, with huge health and a ton of resistance to everything, but is slightly weaker when attacking. Accuracy is okay, but you're still prone to fizzling a lot through the lower levels.

FIRE (14) is another hard-hitting school that struggles with horrible accuracy at the start of the game. Once again, take advantage of gear boosts and keep working at it... This one also specializes in damage over time and is great for bypassing shields.

MYTH (22) also specializes in bypassing shields, and is extremely effective in PvP. Health is on the low side, as is accuracy (at 80% base), but it's important to take advantage of gear boosts and pack your sideboard with heals.

LIFE (31) is like Ice- slightly weaker, when it comes to attacking, at the lower levels, but very hard to kill. They also have the highest accuracy in-game, at 90% base, and lots of heals.

DEATH (54) is a trap-heavy class, which requires extensive buffing in order to be effective. Our utility spells require them to take damage for power (Empower, for example, lets us take 300 damage for 3 pips- less, if you shield properly), and drain spells also allow them to heal themselves while doing damage. While base damage is quite low (and accuracy is 85%), it's a non-issue for a player who knows how to take advantage of his/her traps.

BALANCE (80) is a mixed bag. Though their base attack power is weak, they draw from all schools and have a pretty-neat combo of tricks- they can heal, trap, and shield, amongst other things, and their accuracy is tied with Death, for second-highest in the game. I only wish they had a DoT spell, which they sadly do not.

Hope this helps!

May 19, 2012
Thanks for the replies, everyone. My storm is now at lvl 37 and I have to say that things are going a bit better. I still get some bad fizzle days but for the most part it's not so bad anymore. As for my minion, I've learned if I can get him up right away at the beginning of the fight, he is quite useful, but after only a few rounds of spells, it's pointless bringing him up. Still, he has come in handy in some boss fights that I would surely have lost without him.

I do have a question though for some of you storm wizards. I'm having a hard time coming up with a decent deck to play with. I can currently hold 40 cards in my deck with a max of 4 cards per spell. It's not a storm specific deck so I can't have a fifth card for those spells.

If someone could help me with building a decent deck to use, I would really appreciate it. I keep changing my deck around to see what works best, but it seems no matter what my deck is set up like, more often than not, the spells that come up are always up at the wrong time.

All my healing spells pop up at the beginning of the fight when I don't need them, and my damage spells come up after that, then my blades and traps and such. I mean it's not 100% of the time, but it's only occasionally that I actually get what I need when I need it.

I do have reshuffle, and I discard a lot and haven't had to use reshuffle yet. I am finding that if I take time before each fight to remove any unecessary spells (such as prisms when I'm going against fire and ice) that has helped a lot too, as I don't have to spend so much valuable time and rounds with discarding.

Also, how long can I be afk before I am disconnected for inactivity? It seems not very long. Any way around this, especially if I'm working a dungeon? It's kind of annoying if I take a break to go fix lunch or something, then come back to find I've been disconnected due to inactivity.

Jan 23, 2011
I am a level 23 pyromancer (on my way up) and I have noticed the same problem, only it is with some of my weakest spells! Please tell me why this is and fix it please. :?

Feb 07, 2011
fiziali wrote:
Thanks for the replies, everyone. My storm is now at lvl 37 and I have to say that things are going a bit better. I still get some bad fizzle days but for the most part it's not so bad anymore. As for my minion, I've learned if I can get him up right away at the beginning of the fight, he is quite useful, but after only a few rounds of spells, it's pointless bringing him up. Still, he has come in handy in some boss fights that I would surely have lost without him.

I do have a question though for some of you storm wizards. I'm having a hard time coming up with a decent deck to play with. I can currently hold 40 cards in my deck with a max of 4 cards per spell. It's not a storm specific deck so I can't have a fifth card for those spells.

If someone could help me with building a decent deck to use, I would really appreciate it. I keep changing my deck around to see what works best, but it seems no matter what my deck is set up like, more often than not, the spells that come up are always up at the wrong time.

All my healing spells pop up at the beginning of the fight when I don't need them, and my damage spells come up after that, then my blades and traps and such. I mean it's not 100% of the time, but it's only occasionally that I actually get what I need when I need it.

I do have reshuffle, and I discard a lot and haven't had to use reshuffle yet. I am finding that if I take time before each fight to remove any unecessary spells (such as prisms when I'm going against fire and ice) that has helped a lot too, as I don't have to spend so much valuable time and rounds with discarding.

Also, how long can I be afk before I am disconnected for inactivity? It seems not very long. Any way around this, especially if I'm working a dungeon? It's kind of annoying if I take a break to go fix lunch or something, then come back to find I've been disconnected due to inactivity.

Glad we could help, Fiz. :)

My first suggestion would be to get a slightly-bigger deck... and to change the spells, depending on who you're fighting. Because my first wizard was a sorcerer, I never had to use prisms, so I try not to let my other wizards rely on them. Unless Sestiva is up against a same-school mob, I don't put converts in her deck at all~ otherwise, I'll spend the whole fight discarding them, when I could be using those slots for something useful (heals, blades, fun stuff).

Deck setup:

At level 37, Sestiva was using Katsumori's Deck, which is Storm school-only, and here's how I did it (worth noting: Life is her secondary):

2 Legend shield (-70% to Death and Myth)
2 Pixie
2 Spirit Armor
2 Sprite
2 Cleanse Charm
2 Disarm
4 Kraken
2 Lightning Strike
2 Storm Prism
2 Storm Shark
2 Storm Trap
4 Tempest
3 Stormzilla
3 Stormblade
2 Thermic Shield (-70% to Fire and Ice)
4 Triton
1 Wild Bolt
2 Windstorm
1 Elemental Blade
1 Elemental Trap


As for the inactivity thing, we get booted after 5-10 minutes. It's annoying, but there's probably a reason for it (maybe the staff will confirm for us what that reason is). And trust me, I know all about "fizzle days"~ Sestiva has them, too.

Good luck!

El Veeb/Shadowsong/Sestiva
archmage sorceress & master diviner

A+ Student
Dec 11, 2010
ssss55123 wrote:
If you're talking about the minotaur minion, that's the exact reason my myth never used him. He'd occasionaly use taunt and then proceed to heal and shield himself while she was being beaten up. the cyclops minion worked much better.

As for other school's minions, I can't say my other wizards ever really have used theirs after seeing other wizards and theirs doing the same thing. Rarely attack, shield themselves and let their "master" be defeated.

Others may have had more luck than I have.

some just dont know how taunt works or how what minotaur and storm elemental minion works

they make a high threat rating trying to lower the amount of attacks toward you when ya build up for a one shot kill
they do work people just attack away

May 19, 2012
vonawesome1, I just picked up a 50 card deck and set it up pretty much the same as you suggested. It's really not that far off from what I have been using lately. I don't know stormzilla yet, can't get it until I get one more level. My wizard is level 41 now.

I noticed you didn't put any Darkwind in the deck, and was wondering why? Maybe you use the pendant I use, though, which gives you a Darkwind card. You only need one per fight, so I figured it's better to use the pendant and leave the extra slot for something else. The pendant gives you plus 35% as opposed to plus 25% that the regular spell gives you anyways.

I also noticed you didn't put any minions in your deck, but I pretty much solo everything and sometimes cannot take down a boss without the minion. I don't bother with the minion, however, if I can't call it up within the first few seconds of the battle. I have only used henchmen for the major boss fights that are simply impossible to solo, and only if there isn't anyone else around that is doing that boss fight.

grvy123, I noticed that my minion taunts most often when I apply a shield or trap of some sort. Sometimes he will taunt after a heal or an attack, but mostly when shields or traps are applied. He is most useful when I pull him out, he shields himself, then heals once, then taunts. If he starts off healing himself, then I know he's probably going to be pretty useless for most of the fight, lol.

Sometimes, if the boss monster seems to hit pretty hard, I would rather it keep hitting me instead of my minion, and just have him shield me or heal me, especially when he's feeling generous and throws an absorb shield on me. The main thing I like him for, is to allow me time to build up enough pips to make my big attacks.

Apr 10, 2010
To grvy,

I have an ice wizard also and I believe I know how taunt works. But for my myth and her minotaur minion, even though he was the one using taunt on the opponents, my myth was still the one getting the brunt of the opponents' attacks. The minotaur would come out of the battle unscathed while my wizard would hardly have any health left. If I understand taunt, the spell is to bring the one using it to be the object of the attackers' attention. Right?

Oct 22, 2011
Hey Fiz !!!

My Storm wizard is at a super low level (like, 6 or close), so I'm not much use in putting together a good Storm deck.

What I can do, is try to give you the experience I have with my other higher-level wizards.

When you're putting together a good deck, try different things (which I know you're doing). BUT, one of the things I've learned is, it's best to make your deck as small as possible. That is, put only the spells and amounts of them you'll need. The smaller the deck for mobs, the better. The cards you need will come up so much faster, rather than having to shuffle through a deck you've filled with 50 cards (for example). For bosses, it's a whole different ballgame. As you get more experience fighting bosses, you'll learn what you need and what you don't need in your deck. Each boss is different, but each of them give you the experience you need to start building an awesome deck at higher levels.

Another hint to help you out ...... Have TWO decks in your backpack. One for mobs and one for bosses. This will reduce the time you have to take to completely change a deck from boss to mob, and vice versa. Before a battle, all you would need to do is go into your backpack, and switch decks :)

As you level up, you'll start getting gear that has more Accuracy boost. You'll definitely need it at the higher levels. When you get gear drops from bosses/mobs, take a careful look at them. Many are NOT school specific.

Here's an example:

Say I got a drop for a robe. It's not school specific (meaning all schools can use it). It has a health boost of 300, 6% power pip boost, 5% accuracy across the board, and 6% resistance across the board, but it has a damage boost of 6% for Fire school. Now, remember, it's not school specific, so you can still use it. If it provides better boosts than what you currently have, consider using it, even if the damage boost is 6% for Fire. If you don't or can't use it now, put it in your bank in your dorm/house for the time being.

This is something I do and have done for all my wizards. If I no longer need it, I sell it. But if my wizard ( or my other wizards) might be able to use it, I keep it for a while just in case.

I hope this helps!


Aug 20, 2009
Mar 22, 2009
keelingclay wrote:
hey bro i feel you. i'm a level 70 storm wizard and lemme tell you it doesnt get any better. soon you'll get a blade that will help you not fizzle but for the most part expect to fizzle alot. also to get your life up check the bazaar constantly for new gear. really you just need to take the minion guy out of your deck. i soon realized it was a waste of pips. use a storm shark instead.
Best of luck
Connor Griffin Stalker
Lvl 70
See ya in the spirial

I am a lvl 65 storm and i barely fizzle. i have a 92% of not fizzling, but that is probably only cuz i have all lvl 60 sky screamer gear. I definetly agree that storm minions are useless. I hope KI makes it better :-)

Feb 07, 2011
Hey, Fiz~ you're right! I have Katzenstein's necklace, which I got in MB and have had since. It saves me having to put Darkwind in my deck, since it takes up valuable space that I could be using for heals... and my Storm wiz has a 34% damage boost from gear alone, so she doesn't really need it. :)

I also don't put the minion in my deck, because my sorcerer had it (her elemental minion occasionally took that form) and all it did was spam heals and shields on itself. Again, saving valuable deck-space. :P

Hope that helps!
El Veeb/Sestiva

Jul 16, 2011
I am a level 50 Ice. I find the fizzies are just as bad if not worse. I just fought a boss who hit me with 9 sharks, 5 bats, a few other attacks without one fizz while all my power hitters fizzed out, around six, plus a few lesser. These were 80 and 85 percenters. I was hoping it would get better but its just to frustrating so I am seriously thinking of not renewing my memebership. It is sad because I like the game. Good luck

May 19, 2012
I really think gear makes a huge difference in fizzle rates and such. You need high precision stats to be able to prevent the fizzles. The only thing is, I am extremely disappointed in the gear that drops off boss monsters. Your normal run of the mill monsters should drop gear that is mediocre at best, with a very random chance at something pretty awesome.

As for boss monsters, I think the gear should be level appropriate and have great stats. Most, if not all of this gear should be not tradeable to your other characters, as they should be self reliant when it comes to gearing up. The only gear I have found that has pretty awesome stats on it is for ice wizards at level 35+, and maybe some for life.

It would be nice if the crafted gear would have great stats on it too, considering the expense of crafting.

I purchased the fantasy castle bundle and the sultan's palace bundle, and have been using the gear from the fantasy castle on my storm wizard since she was level 40. She is now level 46 and I have only just found some gear that may be better than that level 40 gear I got from the bundle. I'm still not sure it's better though since it only boosts her storm stats and not the rest of her stats, where the gear from the bundle boosts her stats in all schools. At level 50 I will be using the Sultan's gear.

I have looked on the bazaar numerous times and have not found anything that even comes close to the stats the gear from the bundle has on it for the level. This, in my opinion, gives those who spend real money an advantage over those who play free, and should not be permitted.

I was also extremely disappointed to receive a quest for grizzleheim that required my level 46 storm wizard to go up against four monsters sporting over 7000 health. Yes, this was a dungeon and is intended for a team of wizards and not intended to be solo'd, I understand that. I ended up hiring three level 80 henchmen, one ice, one balance, and one life, and if I had even one less henchman than that, I think I would still have failed to take these monsters down. I shudder to think how difficult it would have been for four wizards sporting only around 1500 to 2000 health.

I was casting spells with my traps and blades that usually cause around 2-3k damage that were only doing around 300-500 damage to these monsters. Those are some major resists. I didn't have any weakness or anything on me as the ice henchman was very good about keeping the mobs taunted. Maybe we could have done it with three wizards and a level 80 ice henchman, if we had a good healer in the group.

I find this game to be all about the money. I understand KI needs to make money, but it seems to me they are raking in way more than they need. I am seriously contemplating not purchasing any more crowns and just play the game without and see how it goes. I realize it means it will take longer to advance in the game, but so be it. I mean what am I paying $9.95 a month for when everything else I do requires me to spend real cash in order to advance at a decent rate? I would be better off paying $14.95 a month to play WoW and get all this stuff at no extra cost to me, including my permanent mount. That's only $5 more per month as opposed to how much real cash I have already poured into this game in a single month.

As I stated once before, I love the game for how it's set up, and I think this game could be pretty awesome and spectacular, if KI would consider pleasing not just their cash paying customers, but the rest of their players as well. After all, those may be their future cash paying customers and it all depends on how KI treats them.

Anyways, I did not intend for this to turn into a rant, but I do think these things need to be said, so KI can know how some, if not all, of it's customers feel. While I may be ranting here, I still want to thank you for a pretty awesome game.

May 19, 2012
I just want to say I am extremely disappointed to learn that this new gear is worthless. I switched out of the gear I got from the fantasy palace bundle pack and my fizzle rate skyrocketed again. In game gear needs to be vastly improved. This really takes the cake, and I am very close to saying goodbye to Wizard101. This fizzle rate needs to be fixed asap, or they will lose yet another customer. :(

Nov 26, 2011
fiziali wrote:
I just recently started playing this game and I have to say the game itself is awesome and I love the way it's set up, but I'm having a real problem with spells fizzling as often as they do. I made a storm wizard, and the damage spells say they have a seventy percent rate of accuracy for casting, but I'm finding it to be closer to a seventy percent fizzle rate, especially on my bigger spells. Something is very wrong with this picture. If the accuracy rate is lower then it should state a lower accuracy rate on the spell.

These damage spells take three to four pips to cast, and by the time I am able to cast them I've taken a lot of damage, and I really need these spells to go off. I really think this needs to be addressed.

In addition to that, the minion continuously spams heals on himself even when he's not taking damage. I'm standing there with literally 100 health and in need of heals, and he's standing there healing himself when he hasn't even taunted yet. I think until he has cast that first taunt, his heals should not go to himself but to another party member who needs it, since he's not taking damage anyways.

If it weren't for the frustration these issues cause, I would actually be totally enjoying this game. Please, please, do something about this. I can't play like this, and I probably won't renew my subscription again in July if it hasn't been fixed. If I can't enjoy the game there is no point paying to play. As I stated, the actual game setup is awesome, but the fizzle rate is just too horrendous to really get to enjoy the game to it's fullest.

Well, yes. On my ice i fizzle alot too. You fizzle alot when your a low lvl (My fire and ice fizzled A LOT when we were low lvl!) My friend even started calling me Fiz. Lol, good luck.

Feb 16, 2011
The Storm minion is a better minion then you think. The minions taunt enemies to get them to hit the minion and they heal themselves to kepp them alive so thw wizard attacks and takes less hit while the minion taunts and takes hits but keeps itself alive with heals and shields

Feb 28, 2012
When I had my storm wizard, and he got about level 40: He would fizzle six or seven times in a row, if I even lasted that long. And the Storm Elemental was useless as a bike is to a fish! He would heal himself a bunch of times, shielded up a bunch of times, meanwhile I'm fizzling and getting thoroughly trounced! I couldn't even battle in Unicorn Way without being pwned seriously! It was so annoying that I deleted that wizard and started a new one of a different school in his place.

Jul 28, 2009
Yeah, here in storm we fizzle a lot. That's normal. Keep trying though, it does get better. Oh, and word of advice - Don't bother with the storm minion. He's absolutely useless.

Earlier today, he was spamming the shields on himself before he even taunted. By the time he was ready to taunt, I had picked a spell to finish the battle. I will be removing him from my deck momentarily.

Jul 08, 2011
vonawesome1 wrote:
fiziali wrote:
Thanks for the replies, everyone. My storm is now at lvl 37 and I have to say that things are going a bit better. I still get some bad fizzle days but for the most part it's not so bad anymore. As for my minion, I've learned if I can get him up right away at the beginning of the fight, he is quite useful, but after only a few rounds of spells, it's pointless bringing him up. Still, he has come in handy in some boss fights that I would surely have lost without him.

I do have a question though for some of you storm wizards. I'm having a hard time coming up with a decent deck to play with. I can currently hold 40 cards in my deck with a max of 4 cards per spell. It's not a storm specific deck so I can't have a fifth card for those spells.

If someone could help me with building a decent deck to use, I would really appreciate it. I keep changing my deck around to see what works best, but it seems no matter what my deck is set up like, more often than not, the spells that come up are always up at the wrong time.

All my healing spells pop up at the beginning of the fight when I don't need them, and my damage spells come up after that, then my blades and traps and such. I mean it's not 100% of the time, but it's only occasionally that I actually get what I need when I need it.

I do have reshuffle, and I discard a lot and haven't had to use reshuffle yet. I am finding that if I take time before each fight to remove any unecessary spells (such as prisms when I'm going against fire and ice) that has helped a lot too, as I don't have to spend so much valuable time and rounds with discarding.

Also, how long can I be afk before I am disconnected for inactivity? It seems not very long. Any way around this, especially if I'm working a dungeon? It's kind of annoying if I take a break to go fix lunch or something, then come back to find I've been disconnected due to inactivity.

Glad we could help, Fiz. :)

My first suggestion would be to get a slightly-bigger deck... and to change the spells, depending on who you're fighting. Because my first wizard was a sorcerer, I never had to use prisms, so I try not to let my other wizards rely on them. Unless Sestiva is up against a same-school mob, I don't put converts in her deck at all~ otherwise, I'll spend the whole fight discarding them, when I could be using those slots for something useful (heals, blades, fun stuff).

Deck setup:

At level 37, Sestiva was using Katsumori's Deck, which is Storm school-only, and here's how I did it (worth noting: Life is her secondary):

2 Legend shield (-70% to Death and Myth)
2 Pixie
2 Spirit Armor
2 Sprite
2 Cleanse Charm
2 Disarm
4 Kraken
2 Lightning Strike
2 Storm Prism
2 Storm Shark
2 Storm Trap
4 Tempest
3 Stormzilla
3 Stormblade
2 Thermic Shield (-70% to Fire and Ice)
4 Triton
1 Wild Bolt
2 Windstorm
1 Elemental Blade
1 Elemental Trap


As for the inactivity thing, we get booted after 5-10 minutes. It's annoying, but there's probably a reason for it (maybe the staff will confirm for us what that reason is). And trust me, I know all about "fizzle days"~ Sestiva has them, too.

Good luck!

El Veeb/Shadowsong/Sestiva
archmage sorceress & master diviner

How on earth did you get stormzilla and triton at level 37????

Apr 29, 2010
thejordanator wrote:
vonawesome1 wrote:
fiziali wrote:
Thanks for the replies, everyone. My storm is now at lvl 37 and I have to say that things are going a bit better. I still get some bad fizzle days but for the most part it's not so bad anymore. As for my minion, I've learned if I can get him up right away at the beginning of the fight, he is quite useful, but after only a few rounds of spells, it's pointless bringing him up. Still, he has come in handy in some boss fights that I would surely have lost without him.

I do have a question though for some of you storm wizards. I'm having a hard time coming up with a decent deck to play with. I can currently hold 40 cards in my deck with a max of 4 cards per spell. It's not a storm specific deck so I can't have a fifth card for those spells.

If someone could help me with building a decent deck to use, I would really appreciate it. I keep changing my deck around to see what works best, but it seems no matter what my deck is set up like, more often than not, the spells that come up are always up at the wrong time.

All my healing spells pop up at the beginning of the fight when I don't need them, and my damage spells come up after that, then my blades and traps and such. I mean it's not 100% of the time, but it's only occasionally that I actually get what I need when I need it.

I do have reshuffle, and I discard a lot and haven't had to use reshuffle yet. I am finding that if I take time before each fight to remove any unecessary spells (such as prisms when I'm going against fire and ice) that has helped a lot too, as I don't have to spend so much valuable time and rounds with discarding.

Also, how long can I be afk before I am disconnected for inactivity? It seems not very long. Any way around this, especially if I'm working a dungeon? It's kind of annoying if I take a break to go fix lunch or something, then come back to find I've been disconnected due to inactivity.

Glad we could help, Fiz. :)

My first suggestion would be to get a slightly-bigger deck... and to change the spells, depending on who you're fighting. Because my first wizard was a sorcerer, I never had to use prisms, so I try not to let my other wizards rely on them. Unless Sestiva is up against a same-school mob, I don't put converts in her deck at all~ otherwise, I'll spend the whole fight discarding them, when I could be using those slots for something useful (heals, blades, fun stuff).

Deck setup:

At level 37, Sestiva was using Katsumori's Deck, which is Storm school-only, and here's how I did it (worth noting: Life is her secondary):

2 Legend shield (-70% to Death and Myth)
2 Pixie
2 Spirit Armor
2 Sprite
2 Cleanse Charm
2 Disarm
4 Kraken
2 Lightning Strike
2 Storm Prism
2 Storm Shark
2 Storm Trap
4 Tempest
3 Stormzilla
3 Stormblade
2 Thermic Shield (-70% to Fire and Ice)
4 Triton
1 Wild Bolt
2 Windstorm
1 Elemental Blade
1 Elemental Trap


As for the inactivity thing, we get booted after 5-10 minutes. It's annoying, but there's probably a reason for it (maybe the staff will confirm for us what that reason is). And trust me, I know all about "fizzle days"~ Sestiva has them, too.

Good luck!

El Veeb/Shadowsong/Sestiva
archmage sorceress & master diviner

How on earth did you get stormzilla and triton at level 37????

Treasure Cards?