I have seen this happen in PVP multiple times now. A player equips accuracy gear that boosts accuracy on hit spells to levels over 100%. Fizzling is theoretically impossible at this point. But they still fizzle. I have seen it happen on death and on balance spells. I just saw it happen again to a balance who had 106% balance school accuracy. No, there was not any accuracy-reducing charm present. No, I am not misreading the players' stats. No, they are not using spells that have very low accuracy (e.g., supernova). I am saying that the numbers are clearly wrong if fizzles can still happen, and/or that the system is flawed if 100% does not actually mean 100%.
Fix this. There should not be fizzles, and it suggests that there are secret programming rules in place that are making it happen.
This has been addressed multiple times there is always a chance to fizzle. Nothing is absolute.
I know it says 100+% but its merely thought of as 99.9% to the game algorythm.
Ive tried to explain this before and its tricky. Same as if you would have a -100% on your accuracy every so often the spell would cast because you cannot go below 0.1% or above 99.9%. It is just how the game is set up.
If the game is set up so that you can't get higher than 99.9% accuracy, this needs to be explained explicitly in the game. People shouldn't have to search a message board to learn about it.