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Friends list Displaying incorrectly

May 01, 2013
Over the past few days I have been clearing out my friends list of those that have gone dormant like i do every 6 months or so. I typically remove those I havent been friends for very long with that either their wiz page isnt even displaying any stats at all or they have gone completely dormant for a long period of time. However this morning when going through my list on one of my wizards I noticed that a friend of mine Ive had for 8 years still was displaying as dormant. However he recently returned to the game after a 2 year break. I know because I have played with him almost everyday for the past two weeks on other wizards but on the same account. He has logged into all of his wizards as a matter of fact to restart all his gardens on two of his accounts. Yet most of his avatar pages there still are blank/no stats and the few that are visually there still say dormant when hovering over his activity status.

Issue is that I now realize if his arent displaying correctly then how many of my friends did I remove that actually are not dormant as well? I have removed dozens off my other wizards because they werent displaying and said dormant. That information when incorrect is a all bad situation when you have been friedns for 6,8, 10 years and removed them because of a glitch. I mean my close friends I usually wont remove but my lists are full and I needed to make room. I depended on knowing this information when I started clearing my lists

Dec 09, 2008
lalabugu on May 6, 2021 wrote:
Over the past few days I have been clearing out my friends list of those that have gone dormant like i do every 6 months or so. I typically remove those I havent been friends for very long with that either their wiz page isnt even displaying any stats at all or they have gone completely dormant for a long period of time. However this morning when going through my list on one of my wizards I noticed that a friend of mine Ive had for 8 years still was displaying as dormant. However he recently returned to the game after a 2 year break. I know because I have played with him almost everyday for the past two weeks on other wizards but on the same account. He has logged into all of his wizards as a matter of fact to restart all his gardens on two of his accounts. Yet most of his avatar pages there still are blank/no stats and the few that are visually there still say dormant when hovering over his activity status.

Issue is that I now realize if his arent displaying correctly then how many of my friends did I remove that actually are not dormant as well? I have removed dozens off my other wizards because they werent displaying and said dormant. That information when incorrect is a all bad situation when you have been friedns for 6,8, 10 years and removed them because of a glitch. I mean my close friends I usually wont remove but my lists are full and I needed to make room. I depended on knowing this information when I started clearing my lists
Hi lalabugu! Can you email our support team with the character name of your friend and yourself. We'd like to confirm: https://www.wizard101.com/CustomerSupport/game

Mar 30, 2014
I have this problem as well. I attributed it to moving to a different computer at that time, but I still see stick figures on some players I know are active and have spoken to on other wizards.

My impression is that unless you are actually on that wizard at the same time your friend is on, and I think you also have to click on them in your friends list to force it to download their info, the info just never loads. Just like, I am still getting "wait young wizard, that area isn't loaded yet" messages because the game doesn't download areas until I force it to. Can these issues be addressed?

Even if they aren't currently active, I'd like to clean out my list also but if I have 4 sitck figure wizards named Wolf on my friend list, and I know which one I want to keep, I can't tell which is which when all I have to go by is stick figures.