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Funny Controls!

Dec 31, 2011
Most of the times that i'm idle for a little bit or sometimes when I teleport or talk to someone my controls start to act all funny. When I try to move using the arrow keys my mouse moves from my spellbook to my potions to the crowns shop and stuff like that and when I press the space bar it opens up something like the friends tab. The wierd part is to fix this I have to press the escape key, and instead of opening up a spellbook page it minimizes W101, but when I open wizards back up everything is normal. I don't know if this will last or what it is but could you guys mabey look at it a little just to make sure it's normal. Thanks.

Sep 01, 2010
JackSwagger11 wrote:
Most of the times that i'm idle for a little bit or sometimes when I teleport or talk to someone my controls start to act all funny. When I try to move using the arrow keys my mouse moves from my spellbook to my potions to the crowns shop and stuff like that and when I press the space bar it opens up something like the friends tab. The wierd part is to fix this I have to press the escape key, and instead of opening up a spellbook page it minimizes W101, but when I open wizards back up everything is normal. I don't know if this will last or what it is but could you guys mabey look at it a little just to make sure it's normal. Thanks.

For the moving thing try WAS and D. Hope that helps.

Dec 31, 2011