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game is crashing on startup

Feb 04, 2012
hello, i have been playing this game for quite some time and have had my fair share of bugs and glitched that usually resolve themselves by either re-installing the game or rebooting my pc. but the issue i'm having this time is that the game crashes as soon as i try to start the game. and it happens in this order.

-open game launcher
-type in password
-press play button

so i don't really understand whats going on, i recently got a new monitor but i don't thinks that's the problem as i have switched to new monitors before and just had to adjust the resolution, now i would usually keep trying new things until the game works for me. but the thing that worries me is the fact that i just paid for my membership this month almost a week ago and i haven't gotten a chance to use the month i bought which is now less days then i wanted. so if someone could get back to me as soon as convenient, because i don't want to have paid for a membership for a month and not get to play the game.

thank you
sincerely: Jordan WildBlood

Dec 09, 2008
ashton7461 on Nov 26, 2019 wrote:
hello, i have been playing this game for quite some time and have had my fair share of bugs and glitched that usually resolve themselves by either re-installing the game or rebooting my pc. but the issue i'm having this time is that the game crashes as soon as i try to start the game. and it happens in this order.

-open game launcher
-type in password
-press play button

so i don't really understand whats going on, i recently got a new monitor but i don't thinks that's the problem as i have switched to new monitors before and just had to adjust the resolution, now i would usually keep trying new things until the game works for me. but the thing that worries me is the fact that i just paid for my membership this month almost a week ago and i haven't gotten a chance to use the month i bought which is now less days then i wanted. so if someone could get back to me as soon as convenient, because i don't want to have paid for a membership for a month and not get to play the game.

thank you
sincerely: Jordan WildBlood
Hi ashton! Just to double check, do you have the latest graphics drivers installed? Also, it's a good idea to review what other programs are running, and something could be interfering, especially if you've been playing for a while previously.

If those don't solve the issue, please contact our support team and we'll see if we can help track down the issue: https://www.wizard101.com/CustomerSupport/game