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Game not loading

May 09, 2009
None of us can log in. There's something already in the Message boards about it and KI is trying to fix the problem but so far it's been going on all day. Hopefully everything will be up and running by tomorrow. In case you missed the Message board where it's already posted here's the link to it: https://www.wizard101.com/forum/halstons-laboratory/game-not-loading-8ad6a42b5e0e26ba015e35c7642f3707?reset=1

Dec 27, 2015
At the moment Wizard101 Allegedly is getting hit by DDOS attacks they are working very hard to get the situation under control lets just be patient and it will all be over soon

Apr 14, 2017
i'm having this problem as well.
is it error 107?

i'm guessing its an update as i have already rebooted my router and checked my firewall
and i reinstalled wiz

how long will the game be down for?

Apr 14, 2017
Nanook632 on Aug 31, 2017 wrote:
I'm from Australia so I'm not sure what time it is in the US, just wondering when wizard 101 is going to be up and running?
oh, at least i'm not the only aussie !
but i really don't know what's going on
it's been down all day

and i just bought a bundle too

Mar 18, 2012
It will be 9/1/17 soon and the game seems like it's been down forever, for those who come online each day. I am sure you are working on this issue, but being down during the Birthday Bash makes it worse. Hopefully an extension will apply. Hope for a real fix soon, I thought it was my computer at first, because it lasted so long, so I uninstalled and reinstalled, I'm hoping that didn't make it worse. Please make a loud shout out when you have it all under control. Thank you

Apr 16, 2010
hey kingsisle can you keep us posted please you have no idea how frustrating this is for your millions of players and I am having trouble logging on when everyone I know and talk to on skype is able to log on so please inform on what is taking place. deeply appreciated. Anthony Firecaster

Aug 12, 2016
Oct 22, 2016
Hi. It is now 9:20 P.M. PST and I still am being denied access. Ummmmm.... any news?

Jul 27, 2017
RaspberrySpraypain... on Aug 31, 2017 wrote:
Still not working xD fix your game please D: maybe give us rewards for the issue and our trouble
lol I said the exact same thing

Sep 01, 2009
According to the last update on Twitter (3+ hours ago), Wiz is still down. This sounds a lot like a hack, which is awful. Thanks in advance to everyone at KI who will most likely be working to solve this into the wee hours of the morn.

Nov 07, 2010
It's 9:26 pm for me and as an info update for KI i still can't get in and i assume that most others can't either.
The reason being that some rude guy is attacking them and on purposely causing KI trouble just because they are mad. In doing so they are ruining our (the players world wide) fun. But instead of everyone getting mad at KI for not fixing the problem, maybe we should all realize that they are trying their best to fix it so we can all play again.
Sure, the fact that we can't get in, (either at all or for very little time) is super annoying. i myself just spent almost $70 on new gear and bundles. and i haven't really gotten a chance to get in the game for more than a few minutes to accept the gift and sort out my new items. But I love the game so i will wait patiently for them to fix the game and hope nothing to bad happens. that is all i as a consumer can do. And so should everyone else, harassing the makers of your game is no way to get them to fix it.
I can not believe how many comments i have seen on this thread where players are complaining rudely and DEMANDING the game be fixed. Like what do you think they are trying to do? drink coffee?? no. they ARE trying to fix the game. that's part of their jobs and what they do for us. Just because it's not done when it's convenient for you, doesn't mean they are doing nothing. It just means we need to be calm and supportive to a game we all love. and wait for it to work again. Stop yelling at, Demanding extra things of, and blaming KI. They are working on it. CHILL. This of course does not apply to the people that either gave useful info or were in fact be polite as all decent people should act

I hope the game will be fixed soon and we can all get back into it and have fun again. but until then, Let's all be calm and patient.

Jul 12, 2016
It's 2:35 pm here on September 1 and Wizard will not load,
Is everyone still having the same problem or is it just me?

Jul 12, 2016
Now my game is loading but that's as far as it goes, when I try to enter the game I get a message saying "unable to connect to server"

Mar 27, 2014
If anyone here is trying to figure out what's going on, please don't spam with "I can't log on either you're not alone" and "What's going on KI?"

Wizard101 and Pirate101 are being dossed by someone who really doesn't like them.

Have patience, as I'm sure KI will either solve it or the person will stop because being a troll is no longer fun.

Jun 12, 2011
Is anyone still experiencing technical difficulties? I can't log in still

Jul 02, 2009
Sep 10, 2010
same here originally thought was me so deleted game and reinstalled wish I looked here first
then got all excited as game started to load but then quickly became disappointed as soon as I enter the game connection becomes lost
really hope we get compensated for the troubles especially as just brought bundles and membership cause of the birthday items

Jun 06, 2008
We're back online! We will continue to monitor the issues from earlier, but for now, please log in and enjoy Wizard101.

Sep 10, 2016
Apr 19, 2011
Still not working properly for me will get as far as character selection then say " failed to connect to server" when I select a character.

Sep 10, 2016
Dworgyn on Sep 1, 2017 wrote:
We're back online! We will continue to monitor the issues from earlier, but for now, please log in and enjoy Wizard101.
the servers crashed

Jun 07, 2013
Still having some issues, i don't know why. It doesn't give me an Error 107 & 108 at start and everything is fine until I try and log onto any character : "Failed to connect to server". Hope that gets fixed soon!

Jan 23, 2010
Still not working properly, wont let me go back to my house or any other area then the commons. and it takes about ten tries for me to actually connect to the servers.

May 13, 2009
I'm still having issues getting into game. I can at least make it to character select screen now

Jun 10, 2009