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Game not loading

Dec 20, 2008
Hi! I was just playing from Norway and I lost connection... Yesterday I had the same problem and Error 107 appeared?! What should I do? It's not a problem with my connection because its stable I am pretty sure about that, no doubt.

Sep 16, 2009
Here we go again! I say we hang them by their fingers! In a gesture of love of course.
Been playing this game for nine years now and there is nothing they can do to change that.
So knock it off!

Keep trying Kings Isle I know i will.

Aug 30, 2017
After being able to play Wizard101 a good bit yesterday, I was sooo hopeful that all our troubles had ended. Guess what? IT'S BACK. Yeppers. I was having so much fun this morning questing and able to access all the areas of the game. Then all of a sudden. WHAM! No game. Ugh! What a nightmare! That blooming white window for the sign on is back too. Can somebody send 007 after that horrid hacker? Get em good!!! Lock em in a dungeon and throw away the key. KingsIsle, thanks so much for all your efforts in restoring Wizard101 to all of us fans. Can you just please keep up the good work and bring it back again as a permanent activity in our lives. Post some of the game monsters at all entrances and exits so that horrid hacker cannot come back. We love you, KingsIsle, Wizard101, and Pirate101

September 3, 2017
4:30 AM

Have played off and on with several disconnects. These people causing the problem are criminals. There should be a sever punishment for they are costing KingsIsle no telling what, and they are also costing the fans as well. If they can do this to KingsIsle, they can do it to anyone. The entire world needs to come up with some means to punish these people and prevent such things happening. Why can't all those who have the computer/communications technology skills team up and go after these people? Why KingsIsle is not at fault for our not being able to play the game we subscribe to. There is a criminal element on the web and they need to be banished. Don't know about you, but I'm am quite angry with what is happening.

Jul 21, 2013
As of 8:46 AM my server crashed and I am unable to log on. Please try to fix this KI, and happy 9th Birthday!

May 28, 2015
I was online just fine for a solid 5 hours last night (9PM EST - 2:30AM EST) with no issue. This morning, it is down again.

Nov 26, 2012
miroslavcc on Sep 2, 2017 wrote:
Hi! I was just playing from Norway and I lost connection... Yesterday I had the same problem and Error 107 appeared?! What should I do? It's not a problem with my connection because its stable I am pretty sure about that, no doubt.
I finally managed to get connection, and find that my 'daily rewards' from pekron readings have reset to day one, for all characters. Sad to lose days of work, but at least I'm on line, for a moment.

Feb 06, 2014
I am playing from Spain and it is impossible to access the game please can you tell me what I have to do?

Dec 03, 2008
my wizard still kicking e from game i spent almost 50 bucks n i cant injoy it...i am missing my friends...hope all are ok...pls KI fix this hugssss.

Nov 29, 2013
every time i try to log in to wizard 101 it keeps saying ' still connecting' what is up?!?! seriously is this a bug or something, when will this be fixed. King isle please read this.

Dec 08, 2016
I finally have been able to log in and play the game like usual again a few hours ago, but for some reason, I can't log back on. It won't let me past the loading bit. My connection is fine, so I believe it's the DDoS issue again.

Dec 04, 2011
Joined the game, but as soon as I got the loading screen before the character selection (the world showcase type scene), the game lost connection. Since then, I haven't been able to log in and I've been receiving Error 107 again.

Due to these interruptions of the game, which have taken up about 2/3 of the birthday celebration so far, will the rewards be extended to allow players to actually use the bonuses? Please respond, as that is the main question.

Oct 24, 2010
miroslavcc on Sep 2, 2017 wrote:
Hi! I was just playing from Norway and I lost connection... Yesterday I had the same problem and Error 107 appeared?! What should I do? It's not a problem with my connection because its stable I am pretty sure about that, no doubt.
Did you not see the announcements everywhere? The game is under attack and will not play right at all. No one's personal computer or internet connection matter.

And to KI, the game is VERY unstable and will not keep anyone logged in for any length of time. I sincerely hope you don't have just your weekend crew on the job because after 48 hours, this is getting REAL old. Perhaps it's time to call in some kind of tech specialists.

I will continue to try to play, but really don't want to waste my time trying to get through upcoming dungeons and getting booted part way through.

Aug 27, 2017
jester094 on Aug 31, 2017 wrote:
Guys we get it you all don't have to respond that the game servers our down they know that!

They are being hacked by PigeonPatrol, someone who is messing with KI right now. Please don't get mad at KI because this is not there fault. They have tried changing there VPN but the hacker still got into the servers. Please just be patient and I'm sure the game will be up sometime tomorrow.
While this is being true - Pigeon Patrol are threatening to do a database leak.
KingsIsle are working their hardest and we appreciate how hard they are working for our interruption-free gameplay.
Stay strong, KingsIsle, it'll be fixed one day!

Aug 27, 2017
flowermote on Sep 1, 2017 wrote:
If I could, believe me, I would. After the thrilling moment of getting all the way to the character selection, I select my character then I receive the "Problem Failed to Connect to Server". Ah gee. Am I not gonna be able to celebrate the birthday? If Wizard101 is back on line, why cannot I connect to a server? Please, oh please, straighten this problem out so many of us can play and celebrate the wonderful birthday event. Woe is me. Have I been uninvited to the party?
The simple answer to your question is that unfortunately it's been DDoSED again. DDoS is an attempt to overflow the servers with many packets. Packets are units that all click at the same time - or they could basically be on any device. A toaster (yes, a toaster!) can be infected and send traffic to your main device. I'm no admin or anything, but hopefully this helped you!

Aug 27, 2017
Ella Jaybird on Sep 1, 2017 wrote:
Game is still down KI? Why is there a post saying its up?
It was up, until PigeonPatrol decided to DDoS it. DDoS is an attempt to send traffic to a system. A toaster could get infected by DDoS and send traffic to your main device, etc. Hopefully this helped you. The system couldn't cope after there was another DDoS. It gave up.

Aug 27, 2017
Recently, Pirate101 and Wizard101 have been receiving DDoS attacks. It means that there is too much traffic for the system to cope, so it gives up. Unfortunately, people want to ruin our fun so they think it's funny to do. They're going to take a while to get back up, to this date, 02/09/2017, Wizard101 is still DDoSed. Thank you KingsIsle for staying strong and taking care of us. You can do this - I have much faith in you

Aug 27, 2017
May 19, 2017
Here I Northern Ca, USA It is down again. Was working great last night

Jan 28, 2013
miroslavcc on Sep 2, 2017 wrote:
Hi! I was just playing from Norway and I lost connection... Yesterday I had the same problem and Error 107 appeared?! What should I do? It's not a problem with my connection because its stable I am pretty sure about that, no doubt.
There's been some DDoS attacks against KingsIsle and their games Wizard101 and Pirate101. They have been informing all of us about it on their twitter and here, too. Yesterday evening for me, it was working pretty well until I woke up and tried getting online. I'm sure the attacks are happening again.

If you want you can contact support but I feel it would be better just to check out their Twitter: twitter.com/Wizard101. Best wishes to the KI team on fixing this problem!

Haley GreenLeaf
Haley Emerald
Haley Emerald

Jan 17, 2011
I can't log in either right now. I hope these attacks stop!

May 17, 2009
It's not letting me log in again, this happened the day before yesterday too . :(

Nov 11, 2012
I'm not sure if it's my location but i've been watching people stream the game and it wont let me play. I live in EST

Oct 06, 2011
Unfortunately the game is being attacked by some people that have no consideration for others and that is
why it is not able to be logged into. KI is working on the problem and will get it fixed as soon as they can so in the
meantime we loyal fans of the game can cheer them on and be patient.

Alexander Stormweaver
Level 120 Storm

Jul 23, 2014
My computer crashed and wizard101 is no longer loading, fix this problem please.

Apr 12, 2010