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Game Timer

Dec 18, 2011
So sometimes when the counter gets bellow ten it will just cut out and start the round when theres like 7 seconds left. Btw this is when im solo.

Jun 19, 2010
For some, the timer is too long; for others not long enough. While the timer serves a purpose; I'd love to have the option to disable it for teams ready and prepared to be in battle who don't need or want the timer.

Feb 25, 2009
This is something I deal with all the time when I am Dual boxing. More times than I can count, the timer doesn't even get down to ten. For some reason, it is like the system is only recognizing one account as being logged in.

Apr 18, 2014
Tylerwildpants on Apr 7, 2017 wrote:
For some, the timer is too long; for others not long enough. While the timer serves a purpose; I'd love to have the option to disable it for teams ready and prepared to be in battle who don't need or want the timer.
As much as this idea would be nice, it would still not be very smart. Many people are pulled into battles while they are away from keyboard, so they would not be able to 'ready' themselves. Also, many trolls would abuse the system. I think sticking to the timer is fine enough.

Jun 19, 2010
Dakota Sky on Jun 25, 2017 wrote:
As much as this idea would be nice, it would still not be very smart. Many people are pulled into battles while they are away from keyboard, so they would not be able to 'ready' themselves. Also, many trolls would abuse the system. I think sticking to the timer is fine enough.
I love your spirit and enthusiasm Dakota Sky!

While I agree its not uncommon for some folks to abuse exploitable features in any game they play whenever available or possible; I'm not sure how trolls would abuse a no timer system.

I remember two great pieces of advice I was given when the game first came out, after I asked about entering dungeons, PvP, and what happens when I am AFK, but get pulled into battle:

Rule 1) Always put on your big Wizard Pants before you enter a dungeon, PvP or go AFK!- Put your big Wizard Pants on before having an important conversation with your teacher, boss or someone else
- It makes the discussion more lively and entertaining.
- And for bonus points, wave your W101 Wand around and tell the person what spell you're casting!

Rule 2) Always be ready to play Wizard 101; even when you go to sleep sleep, or are AFK!
- Be able to pay one cookie to join the opposing side of an AFK'er
- This way when the AFK'er logs back in, they can read the pop-up that says you were defeated by so-so while you were AFK, and 14,627 cookies were harmed in the making of this pop-up message.
As far as being pulled into battle when away from keyboard...
...Always apply Rules 1 & 2 before going AFK, and you'll be fine.