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Gardening: Is this a bug

Nov 20, 2011
Hi there!

I've got a level 60-something wizard who just started gardening. Consequently he's a rank 1, level 2 gardener.

One of his plants I want to say a melting cheese tree, has become infected by a rank 4 pest (exploding gnats?). That being said my wizard has no way to treat the pest - I can't buy the treasure card to cure the ailment, and I doubt I can level up to rank 4 gardener quickly.

So is this a bug, or is it by design?

To buy seeds that are sold in shops, you must be a sufficient gardening level to take care of them. But seeds obtained from loot or the Bazaar may exceed your gardening level.

If you mouse over a seed in your inventory, it will display your recommended gardening level for that seed.

As a work around, you can purchase the Summon Pixie spell from Charley in Krokotopia. The Summon Pixie spell will remove the pest and replace it with a friendly Pixie.


Aug 24, 2015
There are Treasure cards in the Bazaar for Gardening, and a Rank 5 (looks like a fly Swatter) will work on all pest. You can also get Dragonflies and mini Blood bats as Treasure cards to help prevent infestations.

Best of luck! And plant more Dandelions they grow easy, give gold and can build your experience.

Grand Master Gardener